Nalidixic acid

When ATH:


Light yellow crystalline powder, insoluble in water.

Pharmacological action.
Antibacterial, bactericide.


Urinary ways.


Hypersensitivity, cerebral atherosclerosis, deficiency of glucose-6-fosfatdegidrogenazы, the liver and kidneys, pregnancy, lactation, infancy (to 3 Months).

Side effects.

Blurred vision and color perception, double vision, intracranial hypertension, disforija, headache, convulsions, dyspepsia, cholestatic hepatitis, trombo- and leukopenia, gemoliticheskaya anemia, allergic reactions.


Proximity effect anticoagulants. The antibacterial activity reduces nitrofurans.

Dosing and Administration.

Inside, for adults, the initial dose is 1 g, supporting — 500 mg every 6 no. The maximum daily dose - 4 g, in heavy conditions to 6 g. For children initial dose-at the rate of 60 mg / kg, supporting — 30 mg / kg / day, razdelennaya of 4 admission.

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