Juniperus – Common juniper L.

An evergreen shrub up to 8-10 m, families kiparisovыh (Cupressaceae). Juniper is widely distributed in the European part of Russia, in Siberia and the Caucasus, and also cultivated as an ornamental and medicinal plant. For medical purposes, harvest the fruits of plants (şişkojagodы).

Можжевельник обыкновенный - Juniperus communis L.

The chemical composition of juniper

Juniper contain sugar, essential oil, consisting of pinene, terpineol, Kadin and other triterpenoids. Besides, found in fruits acetic, formic and malic acid, flavonoid glycosides, wax, alcohol inositol, pigments.

The pharmacological properties of juniper

Infusion Juniper has a diuretic effect, that is attributable largely to the presence of fruit and plant essential oil contained therein terpineol, which enhances filtration in the renal glomeruli and inhibits reverse resorption of sodium and chlorine in the convoluted tubules of the kidneys. Besides, herbal medicines Juniper increase bile production and biliary excretion, enhance the secretion of gastric juice, slightly increases peristalsis and has a bactericidal effect. However, chronic administration of drugs there is irritation of the renal parenchyma. Essential oil, contained in Juniper, increases the secretion of bronchial glands, It helps liquefy secretions and facilitates its removal by increasing the activity of ciliated epithelium of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract.

The use of juniper in medicine

Preparations Juniperus prescribed as a diuretic for edema, associated with renal failure and blood circulation. As a disinfectant drugs used in chronic cystitis and pielitah, urolithiasis, etc.. The drugs are usually used juniper in the treatment of, combining them with other herbs, Has anti-inflammatory, diuretic and antibacterial properties.

Juniper is prescribed in combination with other herbal remedies for chronic respiratory diseases (tracheitis, laringity, bronchitis) thinning sputum and improving its expectoration. Besides, Juniper drugs used to excite the appetite, Gain bile, improve digestion and intestinal motility. They are used for gastroenteritis, gepatopatiyah, associated with the stagnation of bile, when tilted to the formation of gallstones.

Juniper, usually, prescribed in the various medical fees and teas, since the individual forms using herbal plants observed irritation of the renal parenchyma. Juniper contraindicated in acute inflammatory diseases of the kidney (nephritis, nefrozonefritah). Preparations, composed of fruit plants, should not be prescribed for long term.

Formulations, Method of application and doses of juniper

Infusion Juniper (juniper berries): 10 g (1 tablespoon) chopped raw material is placed in an enamel bowl, Pour 200 ml (1 glass) hot boiled water, capped and heated in boiling water (water bath) 15 m, cooled at room temperature for 45 m, filter, the remaining raw materials squeeze, volume of the resulting infusion was adjusted with boiled water to 200 ml. Store in a cool place no more 2 d.

Take 1 tablespoon 3-4 times daily after meals.

Store in a dry fruit, cool place.

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