The morphology of the pathogen vivax in stained blood

Merozoit, just penetrated the red blood cell, It has the form of lump oval or round sizes 1- 2 m, on one of the poles of which is a cherry-red nucleus; cytoplasm blue. Between the core and cytoplasm is a bright rim. Soon, the parasite takes the form of rings, at the thinnest portion of it is the core (shape ring).

Возбудитель трехдневной малярии в мазке и в толстой капле крови

Annular trophozoite is 1/3 - 1/4 the diameter of a red blood cell, its blue cytoplasm- blue, core - the red-purple. As the number of parasite cytoplasm increases, formed pseudopodia (amoebic schizont), It appears blackish-brown (yellowish-brown) pigment in the form of small lumps and chopsticks. Mature schizont is rounded, in its cytoplasm contains a large amount of pigment unevenly located. Before the new bout of fever can detect signs of division of Plasmodium falciparum, wherein it is divided into lumps (12-18), representing merozoites, and the pigment is collected in heaps (1-2). Morula looks mulberry.

Gametocytes are round to oval, no pseudopodia and vacuoles. Mature gametocytes occupy almost the entire erythrocyte. Pigment them bigger, than schizonts, evenly distributed. Women larger male gametocytes, have a little tight bright red nucleus, disposed eccentrically, and dark blue cytoplasm. At the core of a large male gametocytes, loose, pinkish hue, At its center is large cherry red lumps, cytoplasm is pale blue with a purple tinge.

Infected erythrocytes increased, irregular shape, the amount of hemoglobin in their reduced, ons fading okrashivaюtsя, often contain abundant fine grain red- purple (Schuffner's).

Changes parasitized erythrocytes observed at the stage of the immature schizonts, sometimes with a ring-shaped stage trophozoites. As the parasite changes of erythrocytes amplified. The adult parasites (schizonts and gametotsnty) are almost or completely fill the affected red blood cells, or be larger than normal red blood cells. In the peripheral blood at the same time revealed all stages of Plasmodium.

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