Hammer toe – Finger baseball player

Description of hammer toe

Molotkoobraznyj finger occurs, When the tendons of the extensor muscles in the distal joints of the fingers are stretched or torn. Extensors – the tendon at the top of the thumb. The distal segment is the last joint near the tip of the finger. This injury sometimes includes a small fracture of thumb.

Молоткообразный палец - кости, сухожилия и мышцы кисти

Causes of hammer toe

The most common cause of a hammer toe – fingertip zastrâet in flexion or hitting hard object. This often happens when playing sports, such as baseball, basketball, rugby, When the ball hits the finger. When this tendon injury on the back side of finger partially or completely torn and can no longer fully straighten the distal joints.

Risk factors

The main risk factor for development of hammer toe plays a sport or activity, where possible get injured, eg, Baseball and basketball.

Hammer toe symptoms

  • Pain and tenderness in the distal joints of the finger after trauma;
  • Swelling and redness around the distal joint after injury;
  • Failure to fully straighten the finger.

Diagnosis of hammer fingers

A doctor can perform an x-ray after an injury of the thumb in order, to search for a fracture in the foot, that helps diagnose molotkoobraznyj finger.

Hammer toe treatment

Treatment includes:


First 1 to 2 the day after the injury, you should apply ice within 15 minutes every 3-4 o'clock, to reduce the swelling and soreness. You can not apply ice directly to the skin.


A doctor may recommend a prescription or written out a prescription pain reliever.

The use of tyres

Tire, usually, applied to the outside of the joint of the thumb, to keep it immobilized and avoid moving during healing. The tyre must be worn during 4 to 6 weeks.


Maybe, after, as the tire is removed, need to see a physiotherapist for the appointment of finger exercises. These exercises will help improve strength, flexion and range of motion of the finger.


In rare cases, you may need to undergo surgery, for example in the event of breakage of the extensor tendons of the thumb fracture or serious.

With or without surgery, molotkoobraznyj thumb often leads to a slight crease of distal finger segments. Nonetheless, the functionality remains basically thumb, and there is the possibility to continue to exercise.

Prevention of hammer toe

The only way to prevent finger molotkoobraznyj – avoid damaging it.

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