Milk may not harm residents of Northern Europe

Increasingly, the talk about the evils of cow's milk due to the influence of lactose (milk sugar) on the human body. Truth, the inhabitants of Northern Europe had better luck: lactose intolerance referred only 15 % Europeans.

To this conclusion came Miranda Lomer, gastroenterologist, senior consultant-dietitian clinics Gaya and St. Thomas in Central London (Guy's and St. ThomasNHS Foundation Trust).

Europeans are genetically adapted to milk proteins. According to a study by Lomer, average, man drinks 72 litres of cow's milk per year. But it is no longer considered a perfect source of most nutrients. This statement has gone out of fashion. Even Americans-dairy fans, drink it at 37% compared with 1970-MI, and in the UK “milk stir” over the past 20 years verse by third.

Increasingly, nutritionists are writing about the dangers of milk in their blogs, and some even call it poison.

As it is known, lactose, contained in milk and dairy products, needs special fermente β family-galaktozidaz, laktaze. This enzyme hydrolyzes glikozidnye communications and participates in the hydrolysis of the disaccharide lactose. Without enough lactase, lactose is broken down by bacteria in the small intestine, causing swelling, flatulence, spasms, diarrhea and nausea.

According to Lomer, Europeans, that started centuries ago livestock production, had time to adapt to this product, Therefore, at this time, lish'15% of them have the degree of lactase deficiency. So let us not abandon the cow milk, as a source of calcium, vitamin A, D, riʙoflavina.

Dr. Miranda Lomer said, European body easier to perceive calcium cow milk, than, for example, less nutritious almond and coconut, and also adds, people with lactose intolerance can not abandon the product quite. 50 ml a day-it's OK.

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