
When ATH: N06AG02


White or white with Valium a white crystalline powder. The easily soluble in water and alcohol.

Pharmacological action.
Antidepressant, psihostimulirutee.


Depression various etiologies: at maniakální-depressivnom psychosis, various forms of schizophrenia, alcoholism, senile and involutional, reactive and neurotic, social anxiety disorder.


Hypersensitivity, acute impairment of consciousness, concomitant use of selegiline, pregnancy, lactation, childhood (safety and effectiveness in children have not identified).

Side effects.

From the nervous system and sensory organs: dizziness, headache, somnipathy, ažitaciâ, alarm, irritability, confusion, paraesthesia, blurred vision.

From the digestive tract: dry mouth, nausea, heartburn, feeling of fullness, diarrhea / constipation.

Other: skin reactions (rash, itch, hives, tides).


Enhance and prolong the effect of sympathomimetics and opiates. It increases the likelihood of adverse reactions of the nervous system when combined with clomipramine, dextromethorphan. Cimetidine zamedlyaet biotransformatsiyu moclobemid.

Dosing and Administration.

Inside, After eating-300-600 mg, 2-3 accepts. Initial daily dose is 300 mg, severe depression can be increased up to 600 mg. Increasing the dose recommended on or after, than 1 weeks after start of therapy. Upon reaching the clinical effect dose reduced.


With care appoint at a thyrotoxicosis and pheochromocytoma (possible development of hypertensive reactions). Not recommended for patients, in which excitation is the main clinical manifestation of the disease. If schizophrenic or schizoaffective psychosis probably intensifying of schizophrenic symptoms (must in this case proceed to neuroleptics). Patients with high blood pressure should avoid excessive consumption of foods, containing tyramine.

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