MILDRONAT (Capsules)

Pharmacological action

Preparation, improves metabolism. Meldonium is a structural analog of gamma-butyrobetaine, substances, It is found in every cell of the human body.

Under conditions of high load Mildronat® It restores the balance between delivery and the need for oxygen cells, eliminating the accumulation of toxic products of metabolism in cells, protecting them from damage; also has a tonic effect. As a result of its use of the body acquires the ability to withstand stress and to quickly restore energy reserves. Because of these properties Mildronat® used to treat a variety of disorders of the cardiovascular system, blood supply to the brain, and improve physical and mental performance.

As a result of reducing the concentration of carnitine is synthesized hard gamma-butyrobetaine, vasodilating properties. In acute ischemic myocardial injury Mildronat® It slows down the formation of necrotic zone, shortens the rehabilitation period.

In heart failure, the drug enhances myocardial contractility, increases exercise tolerance, reduces the frequency of angina attacks.

In acute and chronic ischemic cerebrovascular disorders improves blood circulation in the ischemic focus, It promotes redistribution of blood to the ischemic area.

Effective with vascular and dystrophic pathology of the fundus.

The product eliminates the functional disorders of the nervous system in patients with chronic alcoholism during abstinence syndrome.

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