Microscopic examination of sputum

Preparation of sputum specimens

Sputum almost always infected, so treat it must be cautious.

Particularly careful handling (wash) It requires second-hand laboratory glassware. So, tubercle bacilli are difficult to destroy, so when there is insufficient processing of dishes, they can be detected in human sputum, not suffering from tuberculosis, as well as serve as a source of infection.

Of great importance in the study of sputum is the selection of material for microscopic and microscopy studies. For this purpose, the sputum spatula needle and dispensed into a petri dish with a thin layer, browsing on a black and white background and selected particles, which differ in color, consistency and shape. The denser pieces placed in the middle of the drug and stretch, and around them and cause purulent mucopurulent particles thus, so they do not go beyond the edge of the cover glass. In the absence of sputum scraps of material taken from the middle of lumps.

The material selected for microscopy studies as well, as microscopic. The selected particles are thoroughly mixed with a spatula on a glass slide to form a homogeneous emulsion and the same spatula smear on the glass, To obtain a uniform, not very thin glass preparation on communication. Do not prepare the smears, rubbing them between two slides, as thus denser particles, often the most important for the study, slip and fall into a smear. For Gram stain preparation prepared in the same way, but it must be more subtle, containing the most purulent particles and match in size 1/4 slide.

Sputum under a microscope

Microscopic examination of sputum begin with the study of the native drug, and then, if necessary, and painted. The drug is browsing at low magnification (Lens 8X, 7x eyepiece), determine the nature of sputum, are separate elements and groups. In this case it is possible to easily find almost all elements, found in the sputum during pathological processes.

Careful study of the drug at a small increase accelerates research and ensure its usefulness. To clarify the nature of detected at low magnification elements drug treated under high magnification.

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