Migraine - What is this disease, the cause of the? Description, Symptoms and Prevention of Migraine disease

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Migraine is a neurological disease, which is characterized by severe headache in the frontotemporal part, often with one hand (in rare cases - both sides).

Migraine - Causes

What is the determining cause of migraine is impossible to say exactly. Most often observed genetic predisposition. Also important factors are the impact of the external environment (noise, insolation, bright light, reeks), hormonal changes, frequent stress, fatigue, sleep disturbance, intense mental activity, alcohol.

Migraines - Symptoms

Most often precedes migraine aura (Harbinger symptoms), which may manifest as visual impairment (twinkle in the eyes of, partial loss of visual field), and loss of sensation, problems with speech, thinking (mild retardation, impaired concentration). These signs indicate a possible imminent manifestation of headaches. Their length varies between 5-20 minutes to several hours.

The resulting pain is pulsating in nature and is localized on one side of the head, but possibly spread over the entire surface. Pain increases with any physical activity, sharp sounds, smells, bright light. A person becomes disabled. Possible duration of pain - from 2 hours to several days. In the absence of the effect of treatment for more than two days, we can speak about the origin of migraine status.

The pain may be accompanied by symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, increased sensitivity to light and sound.

Migraine - Diagnose

Often, the diagnosis of migraine is exaggerated. Patients with any of the headaches themselves ready to put this diagnosis. In order to conclude the presence of migraine should undergo a series of diagnostic procedures, because under the guise of a headache may be hiding other problems.

To clarify the diagnosis and rule out other causes of headache should undertake a study of the fundus, EEG (electroencephalography), in some cases - angiography, MRT (MRIs, read what the MRI) brain.

The examination, usually, Organic symptoms do not reveal. Diagnosis is based on symptoms, as well as the history of the patient's life, where traces heredity.

Migraine - Types of diseases

Migraines are classified as common migraine (without aura) and classical migraine (Wrath). Also produce associated migraine, at which pain is combined with neurological manifestations of paresis, cerebellar disorders or mental disorders.

Migraine - Patient action

When the migraine symptoms should consult a neurologist to determine the cause of pain and appointment of adequate therapy.

During an attack of acute headache pain medications must be taken (dexketoprofen, paracetamol, Ibuprofen).

Patients diagnosed with migraine should avoid stress, both physical, and psychological. It is also on a diet, eliminating from the usual diet products, which can trigger an attack (beer, Red wine, Champagne, fish, cheese, chocolate, cocoa, nuts, citrus, fizzy water, fatty and smoked foods). It is recommended to avoid sleep deprivation

During the attack you need to create comfortable conditions: darken the room, avoid irritants (bright light, noise, pungent smells).

To remove only the starting non-intensive pain can be used head and neck massage, cold and hot shower, mimic gymnastics. Possibly resorting to such practices as yoga, acupuncture, homeopathy.

Migraine - Treatment

Simple analgesics and antispasmodics have an effect only in the beginning of an attack. At the peak of pain using a combination of drugs, which complement and reinforce each other's action. For relief of migraine paroxysm administered three groups of drugs: atsetilsalitsiilovaya acid and its combination with caffeine; preparations, comprising a serotonin receptor agonists (trïptanı) and ergotamine. tranquilizers and dehydrating agent can be used during primary therapy inefficiency.

For the prevention of attacks of beta-blockers can be used, Calcium channel blockers, antidespressantы.

Migraine - Complications

As complications can be identified migraine status, when the pain continues for several days with no effect on drug treatment.

Also may increase headaches due to excessive supplementation (narcotic analgesics, tryptanov).

Migraine - Prevention

It should identify the most triggers and eliminate them as much as possible.

To prevent attacks to avoid overheating in the sun, stay in a stuffy room, lack of sleep, the effects of noise, mental stress, the admission of alcohol.

It is necessary to change your lifestyle. Stick to your diet.

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