Myasthenia gravis - what is this disease, the cause of the? Description, symptoms and prevention of the disease Myasthenia

Diseases of the nervous system

Myasthenia gravis - a disease, which is characterized by damage to the nervous and muscular structures. The first signs of myasthenia gravis is usually detected at the age of 20-40 years, more often - women. The prevalence of myasthenia gravis 5-10 accidents 100 th. man.

Myasthenia gravis - Causes

Myasthenia gravis is an autoimmune character. Affected acetylcholine receptors in the postsynaptic membrane of muscle fibers, which are responsible for the transmission of nerve impulse to striated muscles via acetylcholine neurotransmitter. Most often this is due to hypertrophic thymus gland. Another reason may be a tumor of the prostate (thymoma). The development of an autoimmune response can be triggered by even the ARI.

Other causes of myasthenia gravis include mutations of certain genes and nicotine receptor, which entail pathological fatigue of striated muscle.

Myasthenic syndromes may also develop in dermatomyositis, Bokova amiotrofičeskom sclerosis, prostate cancer, breast and under a number of other diseases.

Myasthenia gravis - Symptoms

The disease is manifested by the following classic symptoms:

  • Abnormal muscle weakness, muscle aches
  • Possible loss of facial, oculomotor, masticatory, bulbar muscles, the striated muscles of the arms and legs.
  • Double vision.
  • Violation of motor activity of the eye muscles.
  • Kosoglazie.
  • Omission of the upper eyelid.
  • Dysphagia.
  • Impaired speech and articulation.
  • Change voice.
  • respiratory disorders.
  • Drowsiness, fatigue.
  • excessive fatigue, which increases after the load on the affected muscle groups.
  • Generalized weakness.
  • gait disturbance.

Onset of symptoms may vary during the day. Usually, the symptoms gradually progress. Can develop myasthenic crisis, accompanied by loss of consciousness and severe brain hypoxia.

Myasthenia gravis - Diagnosis

Of paramount importance for the diagnosis of a clinical picture, then - analyzes and studies. These include electroneuromyography, serological blood tests, Diagnostic test with administration of drugs, enhancing neuromuscular conduction, CT.

Myasthenia gravis - Types of diseases

Depending on the cause of the following types of myasthenia gravis:

  • primary. It develops as a result of congenital anomalies
  • secondary. Occurs when the activation of autoimmune processes in the body
  • Neonatalnaya. It occurs in children, whose mothers have myasthenia gravis, due to ingress into the blood stream through the placenta of maternal antibodies.

Depending on the clinical manifestations myasthenic gravis are divided into crises, myasthenic state, malignant form, progressive form.

On the extent of myasthenia gravis are divided into local and generalized.

Myasthenia gravis - Patient action

Patients with an established diagnosis of "myasthenia gravis" need to take medication as prescribed, follow a special diet, completely give up alcohol and smoking, as little time as possible to visit the sun. Physical activity should not be excessive.

If a pregnant woman is sick myasthenia, it needs constant monitoring by a neurologist for a possible correction of treatment.

Myasthenia Gravis - Treatment of myasthenia gravis

In the treatment of myasthenia allocate two directions:

  • Treatment of exacerbations of the disease
  • Treatment of chronic condition

Often a manifestation of exacerbations (crises) It is associated with advanced stage myasthenia, which is accompanied by a change in the rhythm of, the frequency and effectiveness of the respiration process in the backdrop of weakening of muscles. In this case it is necessary to draw an artificial lung ventilation, to save the patient's life. A few days after the procedure the patient's condition improves significantly.

Another effective method for the treatment of myasthenia gravis – plazmafarez. The procedure reduces the fence certain blood volume of the patient with subsequent change. An alternative method of administration is plazmafarezu immunoglobulins.

For medication therapies include azathioprine, cyclosporine, cyclophosphamide, veroşpiron (promote restoration of forces and the normalization of metabolic processes).

Myasthenia gravis - Complications

Complications include myasthenia:

  • Myasthenic and cholinergic crisis
  • Cardiac arrest, caused by the violation of the regulation of its activity

Myasthenia gravis - Prevention

Prevention strategies include healthy lifestyle, regular exercise, proper nutrition, lack of stress and chronic diseases launched, complete rest, timely visit to the doctor.

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