Methods for detection of protozoa in the feces by native smear and smear, colored solution Lugol

Live simple moving, parasites in the guts, can be detected, viewing under a microscope fecal emulsion isotonic sodium chloride solution. Painted, simple but still reveals when viewed under a microscope emulsion fecal Lugol.

The reagents for the detection of protozoa

  • Isotonic sodium chloride solution.
  • Lugol solution (3 g of potassium iodide, 1,5 g of crystalline iodine, 100 ml distilled water). Stable when stored in a dark dish at room temperature for months.

Methods of detecting the simplest solution Lugol

On the slide is applied 0,1 ml (two drops) isotonic sodium chloride solution, and next, 2-3 cm, the same amount of Lugol. The end of a wooden stick take another particle feces and it is emulsified in a drop of isotonic sodium chloride solution. Then take the same stick even one particle of stool and it is emulsified in a drop of Lugol.

Both drops covered with a cover glass and the first viewing at low magnification, and then at high, without immersion.

The emulsion should be average stool consistency. If too thick emulsion it is difficult to view under the microscope at high magnification. At the same time a portion of feces, taken to prepare the emulsion, It should not be too small, because the number of protozoa in the preparation may be insufficient to detect them. Through properly cooked the drug should be visible printed text.

Evaluation of the results of research

Viewers two or three drug, Noting all the Detect. In cases of doubt,, as well as a negative result study was repeated - over one to two weeks to do three analysis. The method allows to identify the material as the autonomic, and cystic stage of the simplest, parasites in the guts. In the study of this method, together with the non-pathogenic protozoa can be identified dysentery amoeba, balantidiums and giardia.

The discovery of the vegetative tissue of the subject form dysentery amoeba allows accurately diagnose amebiasis. Vegetative translucent forms and cysts are usually detected in healthy carriers, so finding them is not enough to establish the diagnosis of amebiasis. However, they can be found and the patient in remission amebiasis. Therefore, detection in the faeces of the vegetative clearance- forms and protozoa cysts study should be carried out repeatedly, and it is desirable to investigate the liquid and semi-liquid stool (assigned saline laxative).

When making the results of laboratory studies indicate the form and name of the parasite identified, eg: "Detected tissue forms of Entamoeba histolytica, indicating amebiasis gut "or" rear-detected form (or cysts) Entamoeba histolytica, tissue forms not found ".

Balantidiums easily determined in the native smear of large size and active movement.

In the study it is necessary to comply with the following requirements:

  • Liquid calories should be taken no later than 30 minutes after a bowel movement, well decorated - no later than 2 no;
  • in the stool should not contain impurities (disinfectants, water, urine etc.. P.);
  • Glass sticks for taking material unsuitable, as the pieces of mucus, which often are parasites, with their slide; wooden sticks should only be used for one sample, and then incinerated.

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