Methods of research of gastric secretory function

All existing methods of investigation of the secretory function of the stomach is divided into probe and tubeless.

Examination with a probe It is the primary method of clinical and laboratory study of gastric secretion.

Most Fractional informative method for obtaining gastric juice using submaximal and maximal stimuli.

Intragastric pH-metrija dual-channel probe It allows you to explore the primary parietal hydrogen ion concentration, to establish the degree of compensation antral hyperacid state, reveal the true achlorhydria.

Indicator pace hydrogen ion secretion in the evaluation of gastric secretory function provides limited information and can not replace the fractional method of investigation.

If contraindications to probe study of gastric secretory function apply tubeless methods - Sali sample or Masevich, sample atsidotestom, definition uropepsinogena. However, the latter are less informative, than fractional sensing, and have only an indicative value. For Example, by determining the activity can not be obtained uropepsinogena characterization of acid-forming function of the stomach, but it is possible to evaluate the functional state of the main cells of the stomach, producing pepsinogen.

Thus, the state of the secretory function of the stomach should be evaluated according to the fractional study. Probe method also allows to determine the activity of gastric juice pepsin, content of other substances biermerin, produce microscopic examination of thick sediment.

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