Methods of detection of worms in the stool

Feces stirred with water to give a uniform slurry, then in good light carefully view separate small portions in black photographic ditches or on a dark background in Petri dishes. Dissecting forceps or needle is removed all suspicious white particles. Large Education, suspicious fragments of worms, examined under a magnifying glass between the two slides.

If clinical indications suggest the presence of fecal small forms of worms or heads tcestod, suspicious particles examined under a magnifying glass in a drop of glycerol (in the absence of glycerol preparations can be considered a drop of water), and if necessary under a microscope.

Differential diagnosis of certain types of worms based on their anatomical and morphological characters. Determining the species of nematodes, usually, possible only for whole specimens, rarely - on major fragments, preserve the characteristic structure. Cestodes can be diagnosed by mature segments, androgynous segment and scolex.

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