As a method – Detection of helminth eggs in the feces by thick smear

Helminth eggs found in the thick smear stool, enlightened glycerol and stained malachite green.

To conduct the study using such reagents:

  • 3 % aqueous solution of malachite green;
  • glycerol;
  • 6% aqueous solution of phenol;
  • As smesy: 6 ml 3 % aqueous solution of malachite green, 500 g glycerol, 500 ml 6 % phenol solution (stable in storage in a sealed container at room temperature);
  • tsellofanovыe pokrovnыe plates in As. For preparation of hydrophilic cellophane plates cut into strips of 20×40 mm and dipped into the mixture so Kato, so that they fit with each other (3-5 Ml simply entails As of 100 plates). Through 24 h the plate ready to eat, store them in a solution of Kato in a well sealed container at room temperature.

Methods of study by Kato

Slice size of a pea feces without adding water or any other liquid is applied to the slide, instead of the cover glass is coated cellophane cover plate and press down on the Kato rubber stopper in such a way, to feces smeared on the slide within the cellophane plate, but not squeezed out from under it. Smear is left at room temperature for lightening, and then examined under a microscope. Time lightening stroke depends on the room temperature, but even in a cool environment must not exceed 1 no; in the hottest time of year in order to avoid drying out a smear examined after 30-40 minutes. In some cases, in order to prevent excessive drying of the drug cellophane plate with a coating formulation prepared cover with a damp sponge.

Count the helminth eggs found throughout the thick smear in view of their species.

In the study of thick smear can detect infection with Ascaris, vlasoglavami, lentetsami, trematodami, teniidami, to a lesser extent - Ancylostoma and dwarf tsepnem.

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