Method Berman – The discovery of larvae of worms in the stool

The method is based on the ability of helminth larvae migrate towards the heat.

Methods of detecting larvae of worms in the stool by Berman

At the narrow end of a glass funnel Wear rubber tube with clip and strengthen it on a metal stand. The funnel is placed a metal grid, PA which is 5-10 g feces. Raising the net, fill funnel heated to 40-50 ° C water so, that the lower part of the grid in the feces was immersed in water. Larvae from feces actively transferred into the warm water, and accumulate in the bottom of the rubber tube, placed over the funnel. Through 4 h clamp on the tube is opened and the fluid drained into one or two centrifuge tubes. After centrifuging for 2-3 minutes the supernatant is decanted rapidly, and the residue was transferred onto a glass slide and examined under a microscope.

The draft seek out larvae strongiloida.

The study was conducted for suspected strongyloidosis.

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