
When ATH:

Pharmacological action

Essential amino acid, needed to maintain growth and nitrogen balance of the body. It contains a methyl group, which is involved in the process peremetilirovaniya and necessary for the synthesis of choline. In this it normalizes the synthesis of fats and phospholipids reduces the deposition in the liver neutral fat.

Participates in the metabolism of sulfur-containing amino acids, in the synthesis of epinephrine, creatinine, and other biologically active substances, activates the action of hormones, vitamins (B12, ascorbic, folic acid), enzymes, proteins, Reactions peremetilirovaniya, deamination, decarboxylation. It is necessary for detoxification of xenobiotics.

Atherosclerosis reduces the concentration of cholesterol and phospholipids concentration increases blood.


The data is not provided.


Liver disease, proceeding with fatty infiltration of the hepatocytes: toxic hepatitis, gepatoz (incl. alcoholic), cirrhosis, roasted dystrophy; intoxication.

Prevention of liver toxicity of arsenic, xloroformom, benzene, alcohol.

In the combined therapy: deficiency of protein of various origin, atherosclerosis, diabetes.

Dosage regimen

Adults – by 500 mg-1.5 g 3-4 times / day.

Single doses for children under the age of 1 year – 100 mg, aged 1-2 years – 200 mg, aged 3-4 years – 250 mg, aged 5-6 years – 300 mg, the age 7 years – 500 mg; the multiplicity of reception – 3-4 times / day.

Get to 1/2-1 hour before meals. A course of treatment – 10-30 days or 10 days at 10 day intervals.

Side effect

Maybe: allergic reactions.

In some cases,: nausea, vomiting (due to the unpleasant smell and taste).


Increased sensitivity to methionine, severe liver failure, hepatic encephalopathy, viral hepatitis.


To use caution in patients with renal insufficiency (risk of increase hyperasotemia).

When using methionine in patients with atherosclerosis decreased cholesterol content in the blood and increased phospholipid.

Should be given in the balance with other amino acids. Unbalanced use of large doses of methionine may have a damaging effect on the cells of the liver and other organs.

Drug Interactions

In an application with levodopa decreases its effectiveness.

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