Flatulence – treatment of disease. Symptoms and prevention of the disease and flatulence

Synonyms: abdominal distention; flatulence

Abdominal bloating; Bloating; Meteorism

Flatulence – What is this disease? Where does the gas in the intestine? At first, It is common bacteria fermentation food. Secondly, air can zaglatyvat'sja while eating or talking (He usually goes to belch).

Flatulence is not heavy or dangerous disease, However, often becomes a cause of embarrassment and discomfort.

Flatulence – Causes of flatulence

  • unhealthy diet (products, the rich do not perevarivaemymi carbohydrates, These carbohydrates we bacteria in the gut),
  • consumption of carbonated beverages,
  • rapid swallowing eating and drinking large gulps,
  • the conversation during the meal,
  • deformation of the sky, teeth and nose,
  • intolerance to certain foods (eg, lactase deficiency – inability to digest the milk sugar lactose),
  • frequent constipation (slow down the progress of food kishechniku, increase the likelihood of fermentation and detain evolved gases).

Flatulence – Symptoms of flatulence

  • abdominal distention,
  • pain and discomfort in the abdominal cavity.

Flatulence – What can you do

Try to eat less foods, cause flatulence. These include:

  • beans,
  • different types of cabbage (broccoli, cabbage, Brussels sprouts), onion, artichokes,
  • Pears, Apples and peaches,
  • whole grain products, wheat, Bran,
  • soft drinks and fruit drinks,
  • milk and dairy products, eg, ice cream, cheese,
  • products, contain lactose, such as bread, Cereals.

Drink as much water as possible, broth, do not drink soda, as well as beer and soda (they enhance the processes of fermentation in the gut). Try to produce beverage gases, eg, pouring from the bottle into a glass.

Learn to eat more slowly and carefully prozhevyvat' bits of food. This will reduce the amount of air proglatyvaemogo.

Stop chewing gum, hard candy and smoking.

Visit the dentist (especially, If you have artificial teeth) for, to check the status of your oral cavity.

You can take the medication, eliminate flatulence (simethicone, linex).

Consult your doctor, If you are a constant flatulence (or acute attacks), accompanied by abdominal pain and weight loss.

Flatulence – What can your doctor do

The doctor will be able to determine the cause of flatulence and deleted from the list of possible diagnoses more serious illness (eg, gallbladder disease). You will be assigned a proper treatment in accordance with the etiology of the disease and symptomatic therapy. Sometimes you want the appointment of adsorbents, Depending on the etiology of the disease, laxatives and drugs, improve intestinal motility.


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  2. McQuaid KR. Approach to the patient with gastrointestinal disease. In: Goldman L, Schafer AI, eds. Goldman-Cecil Medicine. 26th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier; 2020:chap 123.

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