Metastatic tumors of the lymph nodes
Metastatic tumors account for the bulk of the tumor of the lymph nodes. These include cancer, melanoma, choriocarcinoma, etc..
The most common cancer metastases. Initially, most likely, appearing in the lymph node cells and their individual groups, and then, on tumor growth, supplanted normal lymph node tissue. Therefore, depending on the stage of tumor growth in a punctate or detected individual tumor cells and their groups on the background of the lymphoid tissue, dominated by the tumor cells or with a small amount of lymphoid cells or without.
Cytological diagnosis of lymph node cancer usually does not cause difficulties, except for small cell lung cancer, morphologically similar to lymphosarcoma and sarcoma cell round. The presence of specific cell complexes, resembling bunches of grapes, and tracks closely spaced cells as joints indicates small cell carcinoma.
In a number of cases of cytological preparations can set the location of the primary tumor site. So, when metastasis of thyroid cancer in a lymph node in the formulations identified the tumor cells with the colloid in the cytoplasm.
When metastasis of clear cell kidney cancer observed with signs, characteristic of this neoplasm.
When melanoma metastases appear clumps of black-brown pigment melanin in the tumor cells and extracellular. When lymph node metastasis in melanoma amelanotic can state only the presence of elements of cancer.