
When ATH:

Pharmacological action.
Reducing cytotoxicity oksazafosforinov, mucolytic.


Solution for injection: профилактика уротоксичности цитостатиков — производных oksazafosforinov, hemorrhagic cystitis, caused by alkylating agents.

The solution for inhalations: bronchial asthma, and chronic obstructive bronchitis, emphysema and lung atelectasis, bronchiectasis, Postoperative aspiration pneumonia in neurosurgical and thoracic surgery, in intensive care units (Prevention and treatment).

Nasal Spray: rhinitis, accompanied by a secret branch of difficulty (symptomatic treatment).


Hypersensitivity (incl. other thiol compounds). The solution for inhalations: generalized weakness, ineffectiveness cough, asthma without thickening the mucus in the bronchial tree.

Side effects.

Dyspepsia (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea), hematuria, allergic reactions on the skin and mucous membranes. The solution for inhalations: cough, burning sensation and pain in the chest, bronchospasm.


Incompatible in a single cisplatin infusion solution (It binds and inactivates it).

Dosing and Administration.

Solution for injection: профилактика индуцированных ифосфамидом геморрагических циститов — вводят в/в струйно (slowly) 240 mg / m2 or 20% the dose of cytostatic simultaneously with cytostatic and after 4 and 8 ч после оксазафосфорина. For continuous infusion (24 no) cytostatic is administered at a dose 20% dose at the beginning of the cytostatic infusion, then dose 100% - During 24 ч инфузии и еще 6–12 ч в той же дозе — после окончания инфузии.

The solution for inhalations: inhalation, contents 1-2 ampoules (in pure form or in dilution 1:2 with water) 3-4 Times daily. Курс — от нескольких дней до нескольких недель.

Endotracheal, 1–2 мл растворяют в том же количестве дистиллированной воды или изотонического раствора и вводят при помощи трубки для трахеостомии или внутритрахейного зонда, repeating the procedure every hour until liquefaction and evacuation of secret. Инстилляция в гайморовы пазухи при гайморите после лаважа — 2–3 мл неразведенного раствора каждые 2–3 дня.

Nasal Spray: intranasally, in both nostrils, by 1 dose (one vprыskyvanyyu) 4 times / day.


Due to the presence of impurities in vials benzyl alcohol should not be used in infants and babies, but can be used with caution in the treatment of elderly patients.


Of unused contents of the vial should be discarded, tk. it is rapidly oxidized. Multidose vials can be stored 8 days.


Active substanceDescription of interaction
CyclophosphamideAgainst the background of mesna reduces the likelihood of defeat urovynosyaschih ways.
CisplatinFMR. FV. Against the background of weakened local nephritis- urotoksicheskie and manifestations. Incompatible in a single infusion solution.

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