
When ATH:

Pharmacological action.


Angiostaxis (bleeding) against the backdrop of gipoprotrombinemii: obstructive jaundice, hepatitis, parenchymal and capillary bleeding wounds, Surgical, ulcer and radiation sickness; hemorrhoidal, Uterine, lung and prolonged nosebleeds; hemorrhagic phenomena in preterm; Overdose neodikumarina etc.. anticoagulants.


Hypersensitivity, hypercoagulation, thromboembolism, hemolytic disease of newborn.

Side effects.

Gemoliticheskaya anemia, giperʙiliruʙinemija, jaundice, especially premature, hemolysis in newborn infants with congenital deficiency of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase.


Reduces the effects of indirect anticoagulants.

Dosing and Administration.

/ M. Impose on 0.01-0.015 g 1 once a day for 3-4 days in a row, through 4 day cycle is repeated. When surgery with possible strong parenchymal hemorrhage prescribed for 2-3 days before surgery. Higher doses (/ m): single - 0,015 g, daily - 0,03 g. Inside, adults — on 15-30 mg/day, children 2-15 mg/day, depending on the age.

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