Royal Jelly, pollen, pollen in folk medicine

Diseases of the digestive system


  • Take 15-20 g (1 Article. spoon) per day for an adult, 2,5 g (1/2 no. spoons) daily child. A course of treatment 1,5 Months. The break between courses 1-2 Months. Renders restorative action, regulates gastrointestinal, especially in chronic constipation and diarrhea, It allows you to reduce first, and then completely eliminate the intake of drugs.
  • Take 1 no. spoon 2 once a day. A course of treatment 2 Sun. Recommend for early aging, senile weakness, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, gastric and duodenal ulcers.
  • Take in the mouth 10-15 g dry pollen, through 2-3 m, after pollen saliva to moisten, swallow it. The course of treatment 1 to 6 Months. Recommend hemorrhoids.


  • Mix 1 des. or 1 no. a spoonful of pollen from 1h. a spoonful of honey. Take on an empty stomach 20 minutes before eating 2-3 once a day. Recommended for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (normalizes acidity chronic gastritis and peptic ulcer disease), kolytah, enterocolitis, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer as a means antirecurrent, after infective hepatitis in combination with diet, chronic constipation, lethargy bowel, gallbladder and biliary tract.
  • Mix 4 Mr. sыroho royal jelly, 200 g of liquid honey. Take 1 no. spoon 2 once a day, morning and afternoon for 1 hour before meals, holding under the tongue until completely dissolved. In the evening, it is not recommended to take, as the worsening sleep. After using a portion of the mixture to make a break for 7 days, then continue treatment. On the course you want 10 g milk for adults and 5 g for children. Before use, thoroughly mixed. Good tonic, is used in diseases of the stomach.

Attention: store in a dark glass jar with a tight-fitting lid in the refrigerator.

Diseases of the cardiovascular system

Royal Jelly

  • Take 20 mg sublingually 3 twice a day for 10-20 days. It helps with Hypertension, gipotonii, angina, miokardite, postinfarction state.
  • Take 100 mg 3 times a day for the treatment of atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease and angina.


  • Pollen – 50 g, honey – 80 g. Stir, put in a glass jar and stored in the refrigerator. The mixture is take 1 Article. spoon 3 times a day 1-2 hour before meals, previously dissolved in a glass of warm water.
  • Pollen (or ambrosia) mixed with honey in the ratio 1:1 or 1:2. Take 1 hour. spoon 3 once a day. It is recommended for hypertension.

Diseases of the nervous system and neuropsychiatric disorders

Royal Jelly

  • Take a language 20-40 mg 3 once a day 2-3 of the week.
  • Pour 1 part of royal jelly 20 parts of 45% alcohol. Take 5-10 to. 4 times a day before meals. When selecting the dose for each patient should be treated individually. Apply for rheumatic diseases of the nervous system, nervousness, neuritis, polyneuritis and other diseases of the nervous system.


  • Mix 50g of honey, 10 Mr. pollen, 100ml fresh milk until smooth. If honey crystallized, it should be melted in a water bath. Eat possible through 4 day. Take 2-3 times a day 1 Article. spoon over 30 minutes before eating.
  • A mixture of honey, royal jelly and pollen is useful to take during the period of puberty and adolescence. It helps to relieve acute disorders in the behavior of adolescents.

Malokrovie, exhaustion, prematurity


  • Take 50-100 g of pollen a day, or a mixture of pollen and honey (10-, 20-, 30-, 50%-tion). It is recommended for exhaustion, mental and physical weakness.


  • Mix 100 g butter, 50 g honey, 10 Mr. pollen (or bee). Spread mixture on bread and eat 2 once a day. Recommend immunocompromised people, suffered severe infectious diseases, patients in the postoperative period, as well as to improve the general condition in elderly patients.
  • Mix 100 g honey and 2 g Royal Jelly. Take in the morning 1 no. Spoon for treatment of asthenic States, When menopause and exhaustion after surgery.


  • Regular supplement of pollen or bee on 1 no. Spoon a day to food strengthens the body, produces immunity, promotes longevity.
  • Premature and newborn children are encouraged to 2,5 mg dried Royal Jelly, older children 1 Months. by 0,5 mg in the form of candles 3 once a day. A course of treatment – 7-15 days.



  • Mix 5 g honey with 2,5 g bee, 10 g flower pollen and 0,07 g Royal Jelly with glucose. Take in the morning (put under the tongue) during 20 days. Improves performance and helps reduce colds during influenza epidemics.
  • Mix 2 g Royal Jelly with 18 ml 40% alcohol. Irrigate 20 emulsion droplets oral cavity and pharynx. Apply for 30-60 minutes before eating. Reviews with a view to the prevention of influenza.

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system

Royal Jelly

  • Take 10-20 mg 2 once a day. Recommend to patients with arthritis of the lower limbs.

Kidney disease

Royal Jelly

  • It is recommended to take 200 mg 3 once a day. There has been improvement in patients with chronic renal failure.


  • Mix 20 g raw royal jelly and 500 g glucose powder, Add liquid heated honey and mix until thick paste masses. Mass cut into plates so, that each disc contained no less than 0,5 g jelly (total should be no more than 40 plates). Take 1 disc 3 times a day 30 minutes before eating.


Royal Jelly

  • Take 100 mg 2 times a day 30 minutes before meals for 20 days.

Problem skin


  • Add to the jar any cream 30-50 g Royal Jelly (contents 2-3 Queen cells). Before you can use it is recommended to 2-3 mines make hot compress (camomile decoction, dill, lime blossom). It opens the pores of the skin, promotes better absorption of Royal Jelly, and it makes the skin supple, gives it a healthy look.

Bronchial asthma


  • Pour 1 part of Royal Jelly 2 parts of 40% alcohol, mix. Take 5-10 drops of milk for 12-18 days.

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