Madder dyeing – Blonde tinctorum L.

Herbaceous perennial plant height of 1-1.5 m, families marenovыh (Rubiaceae). Grows in Central Asia, the Caucasus, in the south-east of the European part of Russia. For medical purposes, harvest the roots plants and rhizomes.

Марена красильная - Rubia tinctorum L.

The chemical composition of madder dye

Madder roots and rhizomes of the dye include various anthraquinones and derivatives thereof. Main anthraquinones - ruberitrinovaya acid, galiozin, purpurin, purpuroksantin, psevdopurpurin, ruʙiadin, iberitsin and rubiadin, and alizarin free state. Besides, found in plants organic acid (Citric, malic and tartaric), proteins, sugars and lectins.

The pharmacological properties of madder dye

The roots of madder in an extract, include the amount of anthraquinone derivatives, and madder powder and other herbal medicines plants loosen and destroy kidney stones and bladder, containing primarily oxalates and phosphates, calcium and magnesium. Galenic madder dye also have antispasmodic and diuretic effects. The mechanism of action previously associated with acid ruberitrinovoy, acidifying the urine, whereby the urine becomes able to loosen kidney stones and urinary tract infections, consisting primarily of the phosphate of lime. Currently, the main importance is attached to a chemical affinity dyes madder, interacting with a calcium phosphate. Besides, products plant lowers the tone and strengthen the peristaltic muscles reduction of the renal pelvis and ureter, thus contributing to the promotion and removal of stones from the kidney and urinary tract.

Application madder dye in medicine

Dry extract madder dye used for kidney stones as a means to reduce nefroliticheskoe spasms and facilitate the discharge of small stones. Tincture of madder root dye is part of a complex preparation "Cysteinyl", which is also prescribed for urolithiasis. Formulations madder dye most effective in the presence of phosphate and oxalate stones Nature.

When treating patients with drugs madder dye loosening of kidney stones, begins the process of chopping and removing small stones, sand from the kidneys and urinary tract. Urine in patients after taking the extract madder dye or Cystenalum painted in red or pink due to its content of Alizarin and ruberitrinovoy acid.

Overdose of drugs plants can cause pain and aggravation of chronic inflammatory urological diseases. Contraindication to extract madder dye and Cystenalum are glomerulonephritis, severe renal failure and gastric ulcer.

Formulations, Dosage and administration of drugs madder dye

The extract madder dye available in tablets of 0,25 g. Administered orally 2-3 tablets 3 once a day. The tablets are dissolved in a pre- 1/2 cup warm water. The course of treatment 20-30 days. If necessary, repeat the treatment after 4-6 weeks.

Cysteinyl - Complex preparation, containing madder root tincture 0,01 g, magnesium salicylate 0,15 g, essential oils 6,15 g, ethyl alcohol 0,8 g, olive oil to 10 g. Assign inside of 3-4 drops on sugar for half an hour before a meal; in a fit of colic take once 20 drops. Patients with frequent attacks of colic appoint 10 drops 3 once a day. When heartburn, drug-related, it is taken during or after a meal.

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