Giardiasis symptoms – Symptoms of giardiasis – Treatment of giardiasis in adults – Prevention of giardiasis

Giardiasis - disorder, caused by flagellate protozoa of the class.

A person infected, consuming water and food, Infected cysts of the parasite. Giardia parasites in the duodenum and upper jejunum.

Populated biliary tract Giardia prevents composition of bile. Damaging the intestinal mucosa and causing it changes allergic, Giardia promote the penetration of bacterial and viral infections in the biliary tract and the formation of the inflammatory process. Giardia cysts are excreted in the feces of the patient and can survive in water more 3 months.

Symptoms of giardiasis

Clinic: characterized by paroxysmal abdominal pain without a clear localization, flatulence, diarrhea, decreased appetite, body weight, fatigue, irritability, weakness.

Diagnosis of giardiasis

Diagnosis is based on detection of Giardia cysts in the stool or the detection of parasites in portions of duodenal contents immediately after receipt.

Treatment for giardiasis

Treatment: assigned specific therapy gastroenterologist or parasitology (vormyl, makmiror (nifuratel), furazolidon, meratin) in appropriate dosages under the supervision of fecal Giardia cysts.

Prevention of giardiasis

Prevention: obschegigienicheskih events, quality control, and water purification, identification of asymptomatic carriers, testing for Giardia cysts of all family members.

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