Schisandra – Schisandra chinensis Members.

Deciduous vine with woody stems of length 10 15 m, families shizandrovыh (Schisandraceae). It grows mainly in the Primorsky and Khabarovsk Territories, the South Sakhalin, North China and Korean Peninsula. For medical purposes, they prepare the fruits and seeds of plants.

Лимонник китайский - Schisandra chinensis Baill.

The chemical composition of Chinese magnolia vine

Fruits contain sugar, tanning and coloring compounds, Fatty (the content of linoleic glycerides, linolenic, oleic and other acids) and organic acids (apple, citric and tartaric). Besides, I found the fruit essential oils, sesquiterpene matter, vitamin C, витамин E, and schizandrin and skhizandrol - Connection, conditional on the basic biological properties of plants.

The pharmacological properties of Schisandra chinensis

In the experimental study of herbal medicines Chinese magnolia vine (Tincture and the infusion) found, they increase blood pressure, reduce heart rate and increase their amplitude, A breath (speeds up the rhythm and increase the amplitude of respiratory movements). Lemongrass has a significant vasodilator effect in terms of isolated organs.

Obschevozbuzhdayuschy lemongrass effect observed in intact and under the influence of narcotics animals. After the introduction of herbal medicines increased physical activity and reflex excitability. A marked effect antisnotvorny lemongrass using different hypnotic compounds. Lemongrass drugs increase the level of spinal reflexes, improve neuromuscular conduction.

The use of Chinese medicine Schisandra

Chinese magnolia effective in asthenic states and astenodepressivnyh, psychasthenia, reactive depression, which are accompanied by symptoms, like fatigue, decreased performance, irritability, slackness, drowsiness, hypotension. Upon receipt of lemongrass herbal medicines significantly increased visual acuity, It reduces fatigue of the visual analyzer under a heavy load, and significantly improved night vision.

When physical and mental fatigue significantly increased efficiency when taking drugs lemongrass.

No side effects in the appointment of lemongrass can be attributed to its valuable tonic. However, to use it, Like other stimulants, should be prescribed by a doctor to exact dosage of the drug. In case of overdose may over-nervous and cardiovascular systems.

Lemongrass drugs are contraindicated in nervous excitement, insomnia, high blood pressure, cardiac abnormalities.

Dosage forms of Chinese magnolia vine, Dosing and Administration

Tincture of the fruits of Schisandra (Dye fruits SCHIZANDRAE) (1:5 on 95 % alcohol) clear liquid dark red. From the plant is prepared as an alcohol extract of magnolia vine (1:3) on 70 % alcohol. Assign herbal medicines Chinese magnolia inside 20-30 drops on an empty stomach or after 4 2-3 hours after eating once a day for 20-25 days.

Drugs are available in bottles. Store in a cool,, protected from light.

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