Treatment of diseases of the gallbladder methods of traditional medicine

Because the body does not appear predominantly alkaline, mineral salts and fatty, such as urate, phosphate, oxalates. To dissolve the salts usually are referred to the principle of: "Like dissolves like".

Since poorly soluble salts formed body based on chemical reactions of neutralization of strong alkalis (bile and trypsin) with weak stomach acids, then, primarily, salt nature of the organism have the gall. Hence, most of the salts can be derived from an organism by administering to the body of such solvents, t. it is. alkalis, and harmless to the body. For Example, teas, prepared from plants, is alkaline because of their content of alkaloids (eg, the roots of sunflower). Alkaloids also, by definition, represent a nitrogen-containing alkali-like substances. Tea drinking glasses, 2-3 days and all you need to drink. Then, boil the same roots, but 5 minutes, the same amount of water and also the volume of drink to 2 – 3 day. Then they heated the same roots a third time in the same volume of water, but 10 - 15 minutes and drink but also the same time. Finished tea from this portion of the roots, proceed to the next portion, and so on. Tea made from the roots of a sunflower drink large doses over 1 - 2 months. Thus salts output starts only after receiving tea for at least two weeks, and goes until, until the urine is clear, water, and it will no longer be produced precipitation. By drinking tea from a sunflower can not eat spicy seasonings, pickles, herring and vinegar. Food should be moderately saline, but not acidic, and preferably plant.

Well it dissolves salt and tea knotweed, horsetail, watermelon peels, pumpkin tails, bearberry, marsh cinquefoil.

To dissolve the salts are often used by the juices of certain plants. So, eg, black radish juice well dissolves minerals in the bile ducts, gallbladder, in containers, renal pelvis, bladder. To do this, there is no such recipe: 10 kg of tubers black radish free from fine roots, wash, and, not peeled, prepare juice. Juice produces about 3 l, the rest make cakes. Juice stored in the refrigerator, and cakes mixed with honey (as a last resort, with sugar) in proportion to 1 kg cake 300 g of honey or 500 g sugar. Everything is stored in the heat in closed banks, to avoid zaplesneveniya. Juice drink 1 no. l. hour after meals. If you feel pain in the liver are not, the dose can be gradually increased to 1 Article. l., then to 2 Article. l., thus bringing to 0,5 cup. It must be remembered, that the juice of black radish is a strong choleretic product. Therefore, if the bile ducts contains many salts (minerals), the passage of bile is difficult, and the person feels pain in the liver. If the pain is severe, in the area of ​​the liver is necessary to put a hot water bottle or water to take a bath, well heated painful place. If the pain is tolerant, the procedure continues until, while the black radish juice is finished. Usually the pain is felt only in the early procedures, and then all the normal. When this treatment is necessary diet, avoid sharp and acidic foods, but only for the period of consumption of juice. When the juice is over, should eat cakes, that by the time the sour. Oil-cake eaten during the meal by 1 - 3 Article. l., until they run out. This procedure is extremely important to strengthen the body - especially the lung tissues and the entire cardiovascular system.

Of the medicines recommended in cholelithiasis:

  • Papaverine;
  • Rozanol;
  • Kholagol;
  • Wrolesan;
  • Цiston;
  • Balsam Bittner.

Recipes of traditional medicine in diseases of the biliary tract

  • Known since ancient times choleretic and diuretic nettle allow the use of its juice in diseases of the liver, kidney, gall bladder and gastrointestinal tract;
  • In the presence of sand and stones in the gallbladder is good to use beet juice, carrots, fresh cucumber on 1/4 cup each, desirable fasting or the last meal;
  • Against gallstones: 2 - 3 Cut beets and cook, until the broth thickens and will not, syrup. Take 0,5 cup of honey during meals 3 3-4 times day Nedeli. This compound dissolves gallstones and helps to remove them;
  • In diseases of the liver and bile ducts: weld 1 cup boiling water 2 no. l. Russian thistle herb, simmer on low heat for 1-2 minutes, insist 1 hour and strain. Drink 50-100 ml 3 - 4 times a day 30 minutes before a meal;
  • To improve the outflow of bile: brewed as a tea in a teapot (1 no. l. on 1 glass of water) corn silk and drink 3-4 sips 3-4 times a day. Treatment sometimes lasts about six months. That treatment was successful, corn fruit should be ripe. Fibers from the immature fetal healing forces have.
  • When gallstones: mix 1/2 and cups of cabbage pickle 1/2 glass of juice of fresh tomatoes. Drink 1/3 cup 3 times a day after meals. Take a long time;
  • Mix equal amounts of juice horseradish and honey. Eat at 1h. l. 4 -5 Times per day, washed down with warm water. It helps dissolve gallstones;
  • Cholecystitis, and other inflammations of the gallbladder and liver, inflammation of the kidneys: make a glass of boiling water 10 Mr. hops, insist 1 o'clock, strain. Take 1 Article. l. 3 once a day. You can also take a tincture of 25 Mr. hops 1 / 2stakane alcohol or 1 glass of vodka;
  • In diseases of the liver and gall bladder helps the next collecting: 15 g of crushed mint leaves, 2 g almond, 15 Mr. Yarrow flower baskets, 15 g fennel seeds, 30 g herb St. John's wort. 2 Article. l. the mixture is poured 2 cups boiling water, insist 2 o'clock, filtered and taken throughout the day for the entire portion 1 - 2 Article. l. appointment;
  • When cholecysto: Pour 2 cups boiling water 2 Article. l. dry celandine herbs and insist 6 hours. Drink 150 - 200 ml in the morning on an empty stomach and at night before going to bed;
  • Weld 1 cup boiling water 1 hour. l. grass Boudreau hederacea, insist 1 time, ukutav, and strain. Drink 1/3 cup 3 times a day 30 minutes before a meal. The best therapeutic effect provides fresh juice of the plant. This was mixed with honey in equal proportions and diluted with a small amount of water. Drink 1 no. l. 3 once a day;
  • In hepatitis and cholecystitis: 14-16 grind grass stalks everlasting (Helichrysum) with flowers and cook 1 L of water for 8-10 minutes. Drink 1/2 cup of broth and 1/2 a glass of hot milk together, podslastiv Moloko 2 no. l. honey, for 30 minutes before a meal. Take for four days, then 2 day break and again 4 day to drink a decoction with milk, 2 day break, etc.. d. during two months;
  • When cholecystitis and hepatitis, and also for removing edema, induced heart failure: weld 1 cup boiling water 2 no. l. chopped spring birch leaves and infuse 1 time. Take 1/3 cup 3 once a day;
  • When the pain of the gall bladder, caused by lifting weights, recommended to drink the juice, squeezed from 1/2 Lemon, dissolving it 1/2 no. l. baking soda;
  • When gallbladder disease should eat every day on an empty stomach for two pears or drink compote of wild pears without sugar;
  • Cholagogue: pour into the pot even layer of sugar, fill it with a small amount of sharp vinegar and dissolve over low heat, removing at least a foam formation. The resulting syrup cook on low heat for another 5 minutes. Then add the 30 g of juice mad cucumber mixture and the same root bindweed strelolistnogo, celery root and fennel in equal shares. All this grind, wrapped in a linen cloth, hang over the pan and knead with your fingers, until all is dissolved and a rag nothing left. When the syrup thickens, remove it from the heat and drink between meals, adding warm boiled water;
  • As a sedative and cholagogue herb peppermint pour boiling water (1:40), heated 15 minutes in a water bath and drink 1 / 3-1 / 2 cup 2 - 3 once a day;
  • As a cholagogue: weld 0,5 L of boiling water 2 Article. l. centipedes ordinary (sweet fern), put on a small fire or in an oven and evaporate half. Drink 50-70 ml 3 - 4 times a day 30 minutes before a meal;
  • In diseases of the biliary tract: weld 1 a glass of boiling water, 1 no. l. marjoram, insist 2 h Drink 1/4 cup 3 once a day;
  • When inflammation of the gall bladder: weld 1,5 cups boiling water 2 Article. l. stems of hops and insist, ukutav, 3 o'clock. Drink 3 - 4 times a day 100 ml for 30 minutes before a meal;
  • When cholecysto: mix 1/4 a good glass of vegetable oil 1/4 glasses of grapefruit juice and drink through the night 2 hours after meals, pre-clearing the stomach and do an enema. After receiving an enema and a mixture of going to bed on the right side. In the morning enema repeat. The procedure can be repeated 4 - 5 days as needed;
  • When cholecysto: weld 1 cup boiling water 1 Article. l. grass, peppermint and insist 30 minutes. Drink 3 - 4 times a day in small sips;
  • When holanhyte and cholecysto: mix 3 of grass St. John's wort, 2 of the herb mugwort, 2 frequent peppermint, 2 part valerian root and 1 part of the hop cones. Weld 1 L of boiling water 5 Article. l. collection, boil in a water bath 15 minutes and insist 1 h Drink 1 - 2 cup 2 - 3 times a day 30 minutes before a meal. As an additional component can be used powder of flowers or roots of chicory immortelle (pinch);
  • If cholelithiasis: Mix 50 Mr. chicory root and peppermint leaves, weld 1 cup boiling water 1 Article. l. mixture, hold 5 minutes in a water bath, insist 30 minutes and strain. Drink hot on 1 - 2 glasses a day;
  • When gallstones helps infusion knotweed: weld 1 a glass of water 1 Article. l. herbs, insist, ukutav, 1 hour and strain. Take 1/3 cup 3 times a day 15 - 20 minutes before a meal;
  • For the destruction of gallstones: Pour 1 l of water 2 - 3 Article. l. crushed root of Polygonum snake, boil, boil 20 minutes on low heat and infuse 30 minutes. Drink 1/2 cup 3 once a day;
  • It is recommended to drink the juice of wheat grass 2 Article. l. 4 times a day 30 minutes before a meal. You can use the infusion of wheatgrass: weld 100 ml boiling water 1 - 2 Article. l. grass and us-toyat 2 o'clock. Drink 1 Article. l. 3 times a day 30 minutes before a meal. A course of treatment 3 - 4 of the month;
  • When gallstones is recommended to drink the juice of radish, mixed with an equal amount of honey, by 1 no. l. morning and evening of 20 minutes before a meal. A course of treatment 3 - 4 of the month;
  • When chronic gallstones help of nettle roots and seeds. Boil 1 Article. l. crushed roots in 1 glass of syrup and drink 1 no. l. 3 - 4 once a day. You can take a powder on the roots 1/3 Article. l. 3 once a day. The seeds carefully grind in a chinaware, gradually adding water to the consistency of the emulsion. The resulting emulsion take 1 Article. l. 3 times a day 30 minutes before a meal. You can just as well drink the juice of fresh plant nettle (by 1 Article. l. every 2 o'clock);
  • When the stones in the gallbladder and ducts is recommended to take 3 times a day 30 minutes before eating olive oil, beginning with 1/2 no. l. and gradually increasing the dose 1/2 no. l. per day to 1/2 cup (100 ml), finish, reaching this dose. Treatment usually lasts between two to three weeks. This means expels stones from the gall bladder without surgery, pushes them. Russian healers claimed, olive oil, lemon juice and grapefruit not only eliminate stagnation of bile, but also derive rocks and sand;
  • If cholelithiasis: for medical procedures need to take on 0,5 l olive oil and lemon juice carefully strained. Since the last meal before the procedure must be at least 6 hours. During the procedure must be strictly every 15 minutes to drink 4 Article. l. olive oil and drink it immediately 1 Article. l. lemon juice. When all of the olive oil to be drunk, should drink in one gulp the rest of lemon juice. When the procedure can be belching oil. If lemon juice drink just outside the reception oil, burp is negligible and should not be afraid;
  • To dissolve gallstones in the liver is recommended to drink a natural tomato juice;
  • With stones in the liver is recommended to drink 3 times a day 30 grams per reception tincture of strawberries, drinking water or mixed with conventional drink. This yellowing of the skin disappears, the pain disappears, It strengthens the heart. To prepare the tincture fill 2 Article. l. berries 0,5 liters of vodka and insist week;
  • With stones in the liver, gallbladder, kidney and bladder used in a strong infusion for 30 Mr. knotweed and Helichrysum on 1/2 cups boiling water. Drink infusion without special rules, and if possible to use the crude turnips.

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