Lily of the valley – Convallaria council

Family Liliaceae-Liliaceae

Lily may-description of plants

The long-term grassy plant with thin, a creeping Rhizome and numerous additional roots and only with flower arrow above land. There are 3-7-1 and imbricated 3 long green leaves. Leaves lanceolate, vagina of their elongated, cover each other. Bown, emerges from the sinus the first worksheet, simple, naked. Inflorescence a unilateral, grozdevidnoe with filmy pricvetnymi petals. Flowers on 3-13 on short pedicels. Perianth — in the form of round shestilepestnyj bells, simple, white. At the tips of the petals are short kinks, Stamens 6. Fruit – round beautiful juicy Berry with 2-6 seeds. It blooms in April - June.

Spread. Grows in damp Woods and among bushes. Less — across the country, reaching 1400 m. above sea level. Found everywhere in Europe (without the far North and southern parts of the continent).

Raw materials. The overground part of plants, leaves of lily of the Valley, Lily of the Valley flowers.

Ландыш майский – Convallaria majalis

The content of active substances in landyshe

All parts of the plant contain cardiac glycosides. Most of them with fresh flowers. Set about 20 glycosides, that vary within the broad boundaries, Depending on the origin of raw materials. The main cardiac Glycoside is konvallatoksin, Genin as geninu k-strophanthin. Also known konvallotoksol, konvallozid, valarotoksin etc.

Isolated from the aerial parts of the plant flavonoidoy: izoramnetin, kvarcetin, ljuleolin, apeginin, kemferol etc.

In the leaves of lily of the Valley found 19 glycosides. as: konvallozid (0,075%), gglikolokundiozil, glikobipindogulometiozid etc.

The main medicinal action of lily of the Valley


Experimental and clinical evidence of therapeutic action of lily of the Valley

Chief konvallatoksin-Glycoside-Wikipedia has such an action, like other cardiac glycosides. In dogs and cats konvallatoksin increases blood pressure, because of the kardiotonicheskim and suzhivajushhim action of peripheral vessels. Strengthens heart contraction and minute volume, slows sinus rhythm and conductivity of atrioventrikuljarnuu, reduces venous pressure. The activity of one gram of konvallatoksina- 9,250 CUD and 6.600 — 83.300 ICE. When the perfusion of blood vessels isolated bodies of proven direct sossoudossouerveshchee effect. He prolongs the latent period of conditioned reflexes and weakens the unconditional, that due to the action of his to the subcortical structures. Enhances gastrointestinal peristalsis and diuresis. Not 26.3. It absorbed in the gut. Duration approx. 3 days. Contained in raw saponins (e.g.. konvallarin) promote resorption glycosides in the gut.

Lately it was found, that aqueous extracts of leaves of lily of the Valley may have pronounced cytotoxic and strong antiviral activity against herpes viruses, infljujencii and vaccines.

Uses of lily of the Valley in medicine

Raw material of lily of the Valley has very strong toxic effects and, therefore, Lily of the Valley or its active components are assigned only to doctor prescription. Extracts and tinctures from Lily of the Valley spirit are part of a large number of drugs (kardiovalen, BIOCard, kardioton, giperkard, karalept, konval-lakor, konvastabil, etc.).

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