Ragwort broadleaf – Sonecio Platiphyllus

Perennial herbaceous plant 70-80 cm, families slozhnotsvetnыh (Sotra $ 11a). It grows mainly in the Caucasus. For medical purposes harvested leaves of ragwort, of which are made fitopreparatы.

Крестовник широколистный - Senecio Platyphyllus

The chemical composition of ragwort broadleaf

The leaves contain highly ragwort broadleaf alkaloids - platifillin, Saracino, senetsifilin and senetsionin, which refer to derivatives geliotridana. The most famous phytopreparation, produced from the leaves of ragwort, It is platifillin.

The pharmacological properties of ragwort broadleaf

Alkaloidы, related to derivatives geliotridana, atropinopodobnye possess properties and are parasimpatikolitncheskimi chemicals. Platifillin in its peripheral M-anticholinergic properties inferior to similar actions of atropine, but it differs specifically expressed ganglioblokiruyuschimi- yuschim influence and has antispasmodic (Myotropic) effect.

Platifillin a calming effect on the central nervous system, It inhibits the function of the vasomotor center.

By mydriatic action platifillin much weaker atropine. However, less toxic platifillin, than atropine, and therefore, in some cases it is preferred.

Application ragwort broadleaf medicine

Platifillin used as an antispasmodic and holinoliticheskogo in the treatment of gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, kišečnoj colic, spastic colitis, cholecystitis, biliary dyskinesia, in hepatic and renal colic, etc.. Assign it as at the early stages of hypertension, angina, vascular spasm in the brain and for the treatment of bronchial asthma.

In ophthalmic practice platifillin used for mydriasis. The action of the drug on the pupil short and lasts about 5-6 hours, platifillin so rarely used in the treatment of eye diseases.

In overdose platifillina appear dry mouth, mydriasis, disorders of the cardiovascular system.

Contraindications platifillina: glaucoma, organic diseases of the cardiovascular system, liver and kidneys.

Formulations, Dosing and Administration ragwort broadleaf

For relief of acute ulcer pain, and intestinal, Hepatic, renal colic platifillina gidrotartrat (Platyphyllini hydrotartras) injected under the skin of 1-2 ml 0,2 % solution. For a course of treatment (10-15-20 Days) designate the interior of 0.003-0.005 g or 10-15 drops 0,5 % solution 2-3 times a day or injected under the skin of 1-2 ml 0,2 % solution. The drug can be administered as suppositories for 0,01 g 2 once a day or at mikroklizme 20 0.5-1 drops % solution 2-3 times a day.

In eye practicing 1 % solution for diagnostic purposes and 2 % solution for medicinal purposes. Children appoint Mr. 0,0002-0,003 (0,2-3 Mg) to receive, depending on the age. Higher doses for adults inside and under the skin: single 0,01 g, daily 0,03 g.

Pills "Tepafillin" (Thepaphyllinum) contains: platifillina gidrotartrata 0,003 g, papaverine hydrochloride and phenobarbital by 0,03 g, theobromine 0,25 g. Assign 1 tablet 2-3 times a day.

Pills "Palyufin" (Palufinum) contains: platifillina gidrotartrata 0,005 g, phenobarbital and papaverine hydrochloride 0,02 g. Assign 1 tablet 2-3 times a day.

Pills "Plavefin" (Plavefin). Combined pills, platifillina containing hydrogen tartrate 0,005 g, papaverine hydrochloride 0,05 g, caffeine 0,1 g, potassium bromide 0,15 g. For the prevention of sea and air sickness take inward 1 tablet. The highest daily dose 4 tablets.

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