Coccygodynia and rectalgia
These two diseases are a common symptom of – pain. Therefore, some surgeons combine them and called anokopčikovym pain syndrome. When kokcigodinii pain localized in the coccyx area, at proktalgii — in the rectal area.
Kokcigodiniя – term, formed from the Greek words "kokciks"-your tail bone and "each" is the pain, indicates the primary localization of pain. A major role in the development of this disease plays injury tailbone area, and it can be long, average per 6 months, before the advent of pain. This is most often acute severe injury: fall from height on the buttocks, blow outside of coccyx.
In some cases, kokcigodinija develops in people, receiving a small, /but continued for a long time injury: riding on a motorcycle, bike especially for not flat road.
Prolonged sitting on a hard Chair, with emphasis on the tailbone, Yes even if you toned legs to the stomach (the so-called sacred, or lumbar, landing), contributes to pain. Recently, such a posture often become to prolonged sitting in front of the tv, in this connection the kokcigodiniju called "television disease».
So, the main and the only sign of kokcigodinii is the presence of pain in the coccyx. Nature of pain may be different. In some patients they are stupid, aching, standing, amplified with prolonged sitting and become sharp to stand up from a Chair.
Increase the intensity of pain when sitting makes patients take different postures-rest on one buttock, sit sideways. Some patients are afraid because of this sitting and standing work. Pain may be aggravated while walking, therefore patients change their gait, move carefully, gently. Sometimes amplify pain during bowel movements, However, it is not compulsory symptom disease.
No other signs of no kokcigodinii, but these people look sick. Fear of pain amplification, they are all doing carefully, slowly, become irritable, cannot sit in the theater, cinema.
For several years, sometimes continued kokcigodinii, While recent periodic stihanie pain had an. Exacerbation of the disease occurs under the influence of a variety of factors (drop, prolonged sitting, recurrence of other diseases).
Treatment kokcigodinii represents, considerable difficulties. Doctors widely used injections of painkillers in the tailbone area and in the most painful point. Good result obtained from massaging the tailbone, curative gymnastics, physiotherapy. When these procedures are unsuccessful recourse to the operational interventions, but they do not guarantee recovery. Kokcigodinija requires long and hard treatment, and from another patient and patience.
Proktalgija It is characterized by severe pains in the area of the rectum and anus. The disease is still called "neuralgia of the rectum", What stresses the main reason these pains.
Women have proktalgiej in 2 times more often than men. The most targeted age — from 30 to 60 years: Some proctologists noted relatively frequent development of proktalgii people have mental work, in particular, doctors, that gave rise to the name "doctor's disease.
The disease is characterized by paroxysmal occurrence (attacks) pain. They can begin gradually, within 3-4 days before increasing intensive, and in other cases appear suddenly, immediately strong, and then also suddenly or gradually subside. The next attack occurs within a few days or months. No patterns in the beginning, duration and end of paroxysm no.
Localized pain throughout the rectum, sometimes in the back passage, occasionally they may enroll in hip, perineum, shrieking, tailbone. The Act of defecation, usually, has no effect on the intensity of pain. Other signs of illness, who could celebrate myself sick no.
Patients with proktalgiej, just as with kokcigodiniej, require careful examination to exclude, other diseases, requiring special treatment.
In the treatment of a wide range of procedures applied by proktalgii, medicines. None of the techniques doesn't help everybody sick, but still, the doctor has the ability to each patient to pick up any way. Some patients have learned to shoot themselves pain intensity, eg, taking the knee-loktevoe position, deep squatting or lifting the legs.
Pain is sometimes reduced to the status of a patient lying down, at pressing on perineum, with the introduction of a finger in the rectum. Sometimes pain is decreasing by the application of heat in the form of pads, bag with hot sand at the crotch, admission General warm baths, application of paraffin, dirt on the area of the back passage. Other patients have pain eliminated or reduced from the cold.
When treating some patients in a clinic with good results obtained from physiotherapeutic procedures, radiotherapy, various blockades in the rectal area. The doctor in this case is also seeking treatment for all other diseases of the rectum, If they found.
Patient with proktalgiej remember, that not all medicines and treatments help in all cases. The disease itself is curable, It is only necessary to find the means of, that can help a specific patient. It, naturally, is the doctor's care, and patient, as at any other disease, You should not despair. This is the case, When you apply the saying "the best medicine is time».