Pertussis description – Whooping cough causes and symptoms – Pertussis simptomы – How to diagnose whooping cough – Pertussis treatment – Pertussis prevention
Pertussis (Whooping Cough)
Pertussis description
Whooping cough is a bacterial infection, which is caused by bacteria Bordetella pertussis ("Bacillus pertussis" or "pertussis bacillus"). Bacteria enter into the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract and can block the airway.
Pertussis ocheny infected, and in some cases it causes serious complications. For the treatment of antibiotics used pertussis.
Pertussis – causes and symptoms
The appearance due pertussis ingestion of bacteria Bordetella pertussis. Pertussis is transmitted through:
- Inhaling droplets from the sneeze or cough of man, infected with whooping cough;
- Direct contact with human mucosa, infected with whooping cough.
Risk factors for the emergence of pertussis
Factors, which increase the probability of infection with pertussis, They include:
- Lack of vaccination against pertussis;
- Accommodation in the same house or working in close contact with a person, infected with whooping cough.
Whooping cough symptoms in children – Whooping cough symptoms in adults – Pertussis oslozhneniya
Symptoms of pertussis usually occur within a week or two after exposure to the pathogen.
Initial symptoms last about whooping cough 1-2 weeks. They may include:
- Runny nose and nasal congestion;
- Sneezing;
- Slight fever;
- Weak cough;
- Watery, Red eyes.
The second phase of whooping cough is called paroxysmal stage. This stage usually lasts 1-6 weeks, but can last much longer. Symptoms may include:
- Coughing;
- Long-term episodes of coughing, that begin suddenly and may end up on a strong inspiration or “Icahn” (not all patients);
- In severe cases, coughing may cause an infected person breathing problems or blue from lack of oxygen;
- Coughing episodes can lead to vomiting.
At the final stage the cough slowly passes over the 2-3 weeks. But, at this stage of cough episodes may still occur;
Complications of pertussis in infants and young children, may include:
- Pneumonia;
- Convulsions;
- Periods of no breathing;
- Ventral hernia and inguinal hernia;
- Brain damage – rarely;
- Death – rarely.
Complications of pertussis in adolescents and adults may include weight loss and accidental urination. From a strong cough can sometimes occur fainting, or rib fractures.
Diagnosis of Pertussis – How to diagnose whooping cough – Analysis of pertussis
The doctor will ask about your symptoms and medical history, and perform a physical examination. Analyses for the diagnosis of pertussis may include:
- Selection of cultures of bacteria of the nose and throat, and other tests to detect pertussis bacteria;
- Blood tests.
Pertussis treatment – How lechity pertussis
Methods of treatment of pertussis may include:
Medicines of pertussis
Pertussis izlechivaetsya antibiotikami, that stop the spread of infection. Antibiotic treatment is most effective in the early stages.
Treating the symptoms of whooping cough – How to treat whooping cough in adults
Antibiotics or cough medicine will not prevent whooping cough. Steps, to help control symptoms and prevent complications of whooping cough:
- Get plenty of rest;
- Use humidifiers, to loosen mucus and lower respiratory tract irritation;
- Avoid irritants, which cause coughing, such as smoke or aerosol;
- Drink plenty of fluids.
Hospitalization with whooping cough
Hospitalization may be necessary in case of heavy flow pertussis. Patients, usually, You must be isolated, to prevent the spread of pertussis to others.
Pertussis prevention – Specific prevention of pertussis
Vaccination against pertussis – Vaccination against pertussis
The best way to prevent pertussis is immunization. All children (with some exceptions) You should be vaccinated with DTaP, which protects against diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis. Another vaccine, It called Tdap, It should be regularly administered to children 11-12 years, after the DTaP vaccine. There are also catching up immunization schedules for children and adults, which have not been fully vaccinated.
Pregnant women should be vaccinated with Tdap during each pregnancy, to protect newborns from pertussis.
Antibiotics for whooping cough – Pertussis treatment antibiotikami
People, which are in close contact with a man, infected with whooping cough, It may be advised to take antibiotics for the prevention of, even though they were vaccinated. This method of prevention is especially important at home, in the presence of family members, are at high risk of serious illness (children aged up to one year, or people with weak immune systems).