Pancreatic cyst: what is this, the cause of the, symptoms, diagnostics, treatment, prevention

What is a pancreatic cyst?

Pancreatic cyst (Grech. kýstis - bubble) -pathology in the parenchyma of pancreas or outside, formed discrete cavity-capsules, in which fluid accumulates.

Pancreatic cyst: the cause of the

Genuine pancreatic cyst occurs as a result of congenital abnormalities in the development of this body. Diagnosed this type of cyst, rare, because of its dimensions, often, minor.

False cyst of the pancreas or pancreatic pseudocyst, It develops as a result of pancreatic injury, migrated inflammatory diseases (pancreatitis, chronic pancreatitis, pankreonekroz).

Symptoms of pancreatic cyst

Characteristic symptom of this disease is a constant dull ache or pain in the area epigastralna paroxysmal (the upper part of the stomach) and in the right or the left hypochondrium, feeling of heaviness in the abdomen.

Most often, pain sensations arise in the area of the navel, When this pain can give in the back. Further pain and cease to be local in nature have herpes, and the degree of pain is greatly improved.

Detected by palpation painful education in epigastralna area or on the left side under ribs. The growing cyst starts to push the neighboring organs, breaking their physiological work.

Complications of pseudocysts: obstructive jaundice, festering cysts,breakthrough of cysts in the cavity the peritoneum, breakthrough of cysts in the pleural space, breakthrough of cysts in neighbouring organs of the abdominal cavity, bleeding cyst cavity.

Pancreatic cyst: diagnostics

The main methods of diagnosis of pancreatic cysts are:

  1. US- diagnostics (ultrasound examination). Using this method the doctor-gastroenterologist can assess the condition of the pancreas, to establish whether there is an abnormal formation, determine its location, form, dimensions.
  2. MRT (Magnetic resonance imaging) help with the differentiation of pancreatic cysts from chronic pancreatitis
  3. Biochemical, cytological, microbiological analysis of the contents of the cyst.
  4. Laboratory methods for the study of the blood.

Pancreatic cyst: types of disease

Depending on the etiology of congenital and acquired secrete a cyst of the pancreas. Depending on the location of the cavity in the body secrete: cyst of pancreas head, body of pancreas cysts, cyst of the tail of the pancreas.

Also distinguish benign and malignant pancreatic cysts.

Most commonly, acquired cyst formed due to acute pancreatitis or its recurrence.

  • Pseudocyst - produced by decay of pancreatic tissue.
  • Retention cyst – occur when blockage of the pancreatic ducts, impeding the outflow of secretion glands.
  • Parasitic cysts have a parasitic nature (more common Hydatid disease).
  • Traumatic cysts result from mechanical damage.
  • Congenital cysts are defect in development.

Pancreatic cyst: patient actions

The patient must apply for the purpose of diagnosis and treatment to the doctor.

Treatment of pancreatic cyst

Tactics of treatment is determined after an assessment specialist indicators such as the stage of the disease, the type of cysts, nature complicating factors, if any. After conducting diagnostic and laboratory tests.

If the size of the cyst is not more 3-5 see and the disease occurs without complications, appointed by painkillers and diet with restriction use of fats and proteins. The condition of the patient is monitored for 45 Nights. If during this period no cyst grows in size, the patient is prescribed a diet and ultrasound-monitoring, to assess the dynamics of the disease.

The main method of pancreatic cyst treatment is surgical treatment.

For this purpose apply laparoscopic drainage-modern methods, that belongs to minimally invasive techniques. Using this method provides minimum complications.

In especially dangerous cases, it will be carried out surgery to remove the pancreas – pancreatotomy.

Complications of a pancreatic cyst

Pancreatic cyst may trigger the development of complications: pancreatitis, breakthrough of cysts in the abdominal cavity, cavity hemorrhage cysts, cyst infection, as well as a number of complications, associated with compression of the abdominal organs.

Prevention of pancreatic cyst

To prevent the formation of pancreatic cysts, recommend to adhere to proper nutrition.

It is necessary to cure the inflammation in the stomach and duodenum, If they exist, to get rid of gallstones.

When an existing cyst of the pancreas, You must adhere to the diet, exclude from the diet fat, sweet and spicy food. Increase your intake of fresh fruits and vegetables.

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