Feature punctates in certain diseases of the liver

Hepatitis and cirrhosis

In hepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver observed changes in the nucleus and cytoplasm of hepatocytes. It violated the chromatin structure of the nucleus, hypertrophied nucleoli, razvivaetsya dystrophy tsitoplazmы as a protein, fatty and vacuolar degeneration. Changes and susceptibility to dyes cytoplasm: instead of blue, it is painted in lilac-pink tone. Sometimes found in hepatocytes gall pigment clumps of greenish color.

Signs of reparative processes in the liver is the emergence of young hepatocytes, having a large nucleus with delicate chromatin network, increase in the number of dual-core cell, basophilia of the cytoplasm.

In marked cirrhosis punctate meager, It may be present in the mesenchymal cells in the form of ribbon-shaped and reticular formations. Such ribbon-like structures indicate a pronounced growth of fibrous tissue in liver cirrhosis. There are also stellate retikuloendoteliotsity.

When syphilitic hepatitis in addition to hepatocytes with severe degenerative changes seen in the large number of lymphoid, reticular cells and stellate retikuloendoteliotsity.

Пунктат печени при сифилитическом гепатите


Punctate liver is characterized by severe degenerative changes of hepatocytes with a predominance of fatty degeneration. Drops may be fat and extracellular. There are cells with nuclei swelling, oiled chromatin structure, The sharp increase in nucleoli. About starting cirrhosis in these cases also indicates the presence of punctate structures of the ribbon-shaped cell mezinhimy.


If hemochromatosis (pigment cirrhosis, bronzed diabetes) disturbed recycle iron in the body and it is deposited in the liver, spleen, pancreas, skin and other organs. The reason for this phenomenon is not installed. The classic triad of symptoms is observed cases:

  • leather pigmentation;
  • liver;
  • diabetes.

In the absence of clinical signs of liver puncture can be crucial for diagnosing.

The cytoplasm of hepatocytes and stellate retikuloendoteliotsitov in clumps stuffed with punctate hemosiderin, painted in brown or golden-brown color.

Пунктат печени при гемохроматозе

Phenomena hemosiderosis develop hemolytic anemia and multiple repeated large doses of blood transfusions.

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