
The most common variety is pityriasis keratomikoza, or multicolored, lichen. Ill usually adults, neat enough, profusely sweating people. On the trunk and extremities (most top) spot appear rounded shape slowly growing spots, later merging into large pockets; their color - from yellow-brown to dark brown. When poskablivanii can be seen peeling melkootrubevidnoe (hence the name - chromophytosis). Itch, no pain. When lubricating the affected areas with a solution of iodine or a paint the affected areas stand out. Sometimes the affected skin of genitals and scalp.

If untreated, the disease can take years, frequent sharpening, especially in winter; after sun lesions appear lighter. Due to the lack of unpleasant feeling sick for a long time do not go to the doctor, which contributes to the spread of the rash. After taking a shower with soap and washcloths spots brighten, turn pink and almost invisible, However, after 2-3 days the newly acquired former intense color. Infection in the family, public places.

For treatment, exfoliating agents are used., thanks to which, together with the surface layer of the skin are removed and fungi.

If you find pityriasis lichen, you need to contact a dermatologist, who will select the most effective treatment.

After treatment, bedding and underwear patient should be boiled.

Erythrasma (from the Greek. Erytriano - I painted in red) characterized by the appearance in the area of ​​skin folds (inguinal and axillary, under the breast glands) patches of yellowish-brown color with a slight peeling. Inflammation, as well as subjective feelings often absent. When sweating may occur unspoken itchy skin.

Erythrasma occurs more often in full, obese people, especially rare washable. There is evidence, erythrasma that can be localized in the interdigital folds stop. Possible infection by direct contact of feet with soil. Principles and methods for the treatment of the same, as in pityriasis versicolor.

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