Active material: Levokarnitin
When ATH: A16AA01
CCF: Preparation, improves metabolism and energy supply of tissues
ICD-10 codes (testimony): E71.3, i20, I21, R57.0
When CSF:
Manufacturer: SIGMA-TAU Industrie Riunite S.p.A. Pharmaceutical. (Italy)

Pharmaceutical form, composition and packaging

Chewable Tablets white or nearly white, flat, round.

1 tab.
levokarnitin1 g

Excipients: mint flavor, licorice flavor, sucrose, magnesium stearate.

2 PC. – strips (5) – packs cardboard.

Oral solution clear, colorless.

1 fl. (10 ml)
levokarnitin1 g

Excipients: malic acid (2-gidroksibutadionovaya acid), Sodium benzoate, sodium saccharin dihydrate, water distillirovannaya.

10 ml – vials of dark glass (10) – cardboard boxes.

The solution for the on / in the clear, colorless.

1 ml1 amp.
levocarnitine hydrochloride246 mg1.23 g,
incl. levokarnitin200 mg1 g

Excipients: water d / and.

5 ml – vials of dark glass (5) – trays, plastic (1) – packs cardboard.


Pharmacological action

The preparation for the correction of metabolic processes.

Levokarnitin – natural substance, related B vitamins. Involved in the metabolism as a carrier of fatty acids through cell membrane from the cytoplasm to mitochondria, where they undergo acid β-oxidation process with the formation of a large amount of metabolic energy (in the form of ATP).

The drug normalizes the protein and fat metabolism, restores the alkaline reserve of blood, keto acids and inhibits the formation of anaerobic glycolysis, It reduces the level of lactic acidosis, and also increases the locomotor activity and increases exercise tolerance, at the same time it contributes to economical use of glycogen and an increase in its reserves in the liver.



Absorption and distribution

L-carnitine is readily absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, It penetrates into all tissues of the body, The highest concentrations are in the skeletal muscle and myocardium. Cmax achieved through 3 h after administration, therapeutic concentrations remain until 9 no.


Excreted by the kidneys in unchanged form (more 80% for 24 no).




- Primary and secondary carnitine deficiency;

- Metabolic disorders myocardial ischemic heart disease (angina, post-infarction condition).

For i / v administration

- Secondary carnitine deficiency;

- Breach of myocardial metabolism with acute myocardial infarction;

- The state of hypoperfusion due to cardiogenic shock.


Dosage regimen

At primary and secondary carnitine deficiency in the genetic diseases drug appointed interior. The dose depends on the age and body weight.

AgeDaily dose
0-2 years150 mg / kg body weight
2-6 years100 mg / kg body weight
6-12 years75 mg / kg body weight
senior 12 years and adults2-4 g

At secondary deficiency in hemodialysis inside the drug is prescribed in a dose 2-4 g / d or / – dose 2 g / day after hemodialysis.

At angina pectoris and post-infarction condition inside administered in a daily dose of 2-6 g / day. Before taking the contents of the vial with a single dose of oral solution should be dissolved in a glass of water and taken regardless of meals.

At acute myocardial infarction daily dose is 100-200 mg / kg of body weight in the form of 4 slow / in injection or continuous on / in the in the first 48 hours followed by a reduction in dose 2 times before the end of the patient's stay in the cardiology department. Then move on to oral dose of Karnith 2-6 g. In cardiogenic shock / in the introduction should continue to exit the state.

In / in the drug should be administered slowly over 2-3 m.


Side effect

From the digestive system: the application of the drug inside – light dyspeptic disorders (epigastric pain, flatulence, diarrhea, constipation).

Other: allergic reactions; patients with uremia – symptoms of muscle weakness.

With the rapid on / in a preparation (80 drops / min or more) may cause pain along the vein, passing speed reduction administration.



- Hypersensitivity to the drug.

FROM caution should be prescribed for patients with diabetes.


Pregnancy and lactation

The drug can be used during pregnancy and lactation.



Purpose Karnith patients with diabetes can cause hypoglycemia resulting in improved glucose uptake. In this connection, in the reception period of the drug should regularly monitor the level of glucose in the blood and, if necessary, to carry out a correction dose of hypoglycemic drugs and insulin.

No cases of addiction or metabolic dependence is not established.



Toxic effects as a result of an overdose of L-carnitine is not installed.


Drug Interactions

GCS contribute to the accumulation of the drug in tissues.


Conditions of supply of pharmacies

The solution for I / O reference by prescription.

Chewable tablets and oral solution are approved for use as a means of non-prescription.


Conditions and terms

The drug should be stored out of reach of children at a temperature of 25 ° C. Shelf life chewable tablets – 3 year, oral solution - 5 years, solution for I / O reference – 4 year.

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