What foods cause cancer? The doctors named the products, which cause 90% types of cancer and metastases

What foods cause cancer? The doctors named the products, which cause 90% types of cancer and metastases

In a new study, scientists have found, what foods are potentially dangerous and can significantly increase the risk of cancer and the spread of metastases in the body.

This is stated in the article of the publication Express.

As scientists explain, the most dangerous additive in many foods is palmitic acid.

This is acid, which is found in palm oil, and she can change the genome of cancer. And this leads to an increase in the likelihood of the spread of cancer in the body..

The development of metastases in oncology is a key problem in cancer treatment. It is this process that leads to deaths among patients with oncology..

It revealed, that metastases begin to spread throughout the body faster due to food with fatty acids. One of these fatty acids is palmitic, which is found in palm oil.

This acid turns cancer cells into a regenerative state and allows them to form signaling networks outside the tumor..

Palm oil is used in the manufacture of many foods: cakes, chocolate, biscuits, margarine, fats for frying.

This oil is also used in the production of cosmetics.: soap, shampoos, cleaning agents and even for biofuel production.

This is a thorough and comprehensive study, which presupposes, that exposure to the main constituent of palm oil permanently alters the behavior of cancer cells, making them more prone to progression due to local exposure to potentially fatal metastatic disease, – told the director of the Cambridge Institute for Cancer Research, Professor Greg Hannon.

He noted, that considering the predominance of palm oil as an ingredient in processed foods, this research provides strong motivation for further research on, how dietary choices affect the risk of tumor progression.

Main products, which provoke cancer

About products, that provoke the formation of cancer cells and products, have the ability to prevent the degeneration of healthy cells into malignant.

Products, which provoke cancer:

  1. Food additives "E", many of which have strong carcinogenic properties (cause cancer of the gastrointestinal tract and skin). The most dangerous: E102, E123, E127, E284, E 285, E512, Е574, E999, E1200.
  2. Nitrate products. Nitrates, getting into the body with early vegetables-fruits, pass through the filter – liver. If you just overeat such a salad, then the liver will not cope and this will lead to acute poisoning. If you abuse nitrates constantly, then poisons will accumulate in the liver and can provoke its cancer.
  3. Food, cooked in reusable oil, during the preparation of which one of the most powerful carcinogens is formed – benzopyrene. First of all, it has a detrimental effect on the liver and bone marrow. (causes leukemia). Moreover, benzpyrene poses a threat to health in any quantity.
  4. Margarine and mayonnaise due to their dangerous fillers (transgender). If the consumption of these products exceeds 1/4-1/5 whole diet, then the risk of bowel cancer increases dramatically, mammary glands and prostate.
  5. Moldy bread, tk. highly toxic poisons are formed in it – aflatoxins, strong carcinogens, that, Firstly, “beat” on baked.
  6. Sausage and smoked meats, tk. they contain nitrites,nitrozaminы and a range of nutritional supplements, incl. "E", carcinogenic. They can cause gastrointestinal tumors.
  7. Liver and fatty meat, because, that this is where most toxins accumulate. Therefore, it is recommended to consume such products no more than 3 times a week..
  8. Boiled water. In water, boiled over 4-5 time, the content of carcinogenic substances increases – dioxins, which can lead to breast cancer.
  9. Coffee increases the risk of bladder and pancreatic cancer with daily use of more than 5-6 cups (50 g).
  10. Alcohol. Carcinogenic substances, contained in alcoholic beverages “beat” on baked, pancreas, throat, pharynx and esophagus.

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