How does cancer – Most cancers occur randomly, scientists say
US scientists have found, that most cancers arise due to accidental causes, and not the well-known risk factors, such as smoking.
This is evidenced by the research of physiologists, trying to find the reason, why some cells in the human body are particularly vulnerable to degeneration into cancer cells.
Their results, which is devoted to an article in the journal Science, show, that two thirds of cancers are caused by random mutations.
However, the British fund Cancer Research UK, said, unhealthy lifestyle that still has a significant impact on the chances of getting cancer.
If two thirds of cancer in various types of tissues are explained by random mutations of DNA during cell division, then we have sense to focus on improving the means of early diagnosis, when the chances of cure highest, – Said professor of oncology Christian Tomasetti.
In a third of cancer cases, in which the influence of external factors can not be doubted, best known for these types of tumors:
- Different types of melanoma – Skin Cancer, caused by exposure to ultraviolet radiation;
- Lung cancer, in the event that plays an important role smoking;
- Colon cancer, often caused by poor diet and the influence of genetic factors.