How to strengthen hair at home: cosmetics and folk remedies, nutrition in strengthening

Sooner or later for each of us there comes a moment in life., when your own reflection in the mirror ceases to please, and the reason for this is often the condition of one's own hair. And if you don't want to put up with this state of affairs, and your life position is active and implies a serious approach to solving the problem, you remember that, that in order to improve the condition of the hair, they first need to be strengthened. To do this, you first need to understand, why does hair look unhealthy, and eliminate harmful factors.
Causes of hair weakness
Hair can become weak and lifeless due to chronic diseases of the internal organs., thyroid diseases are especially detrimental to them. If you suffer from skin diseases, such as mycosis, furunculosis, etc.. if you have stomach problems, then before strengthening the hair, need to take care of the body. Weak hair and due to diseases of the scalp. Wrong hair care, as well as non-compliance with the daily routine, chronic sleep deprivation and stress are also among the following reasons. And not to mention the unbalanced diet, After all, for healthy hair growth, the body must receive all the necessary substances.
And it's very important to remember, that your positive mood directly affects the condition of your hair. This is due to the fact, what is the function of sweat, sebaceous glands and the development of the hair follicle are regulated by the nervous and endocrine systems, whose activities are largely dependent on mood. If you are constantly exposed to stress and overwork, then the function of the sweat and sebaceous glands is weakened, the hair follicle becomes weaker and smaller, as the nutrition of the hair roots is disturbed. Hair starts to weaken, and then fall out en masse. Chronic sleep deprivation can show the same result.. Therefore, the next step on the path to strengthening hair will be a good night's sleep..
Thus, eliminating unfavorable factors, negatively affecting hair, it is possible to engage in their comprehensive and systematic strengthening.
How to strengthen hair: folk recipes
A reliable and proven way to strengthen hair is regular scalp massage. You can just massage your head, and you can do it with the use of special lotions or oils. Massage should be done in circular rubbing soft movements., which will help to activate blood circulation in the skin and thus better penetration of nutrients into the hair follicles. When choosing products for head massage, it is necessary to take into account your skin type..
Known, what burdock oil has long been used to strengthen hair. The decoction also has a great effect on their condition., made from burdock roots, who need to wash their hair. To do this, you need to prepare a decoction of 10-15g of burdock roots per 0,5 l of water. First, you need to wash your hair with this decoction every week for 2-3 times, then just once.
To strengthen hair, it is good to use birch buds and leaves., as well as poplar buds. A decoction is prepared from a glass of raw materials in one liter of water., insist it and wash their hair to strengthen hair follicles and improve hair growth.
A decoction of young leaves of coltsfoot and nettle will help strengthen hair, taken in equal proportions.
Beneficial effect on hair onions, part of the famous "gypsy recipe". To prepare it, you need to take a medium-sized onion, clean her, chop and put in half a glass of rum. Onions should be infused for a day, then you have to take it out, and use the resulting liquid to massage the scalp.
To quickly improve the condition of the hair, need to do one egg mixture, two tablespoons of castor oil, a teaspoon of glycerin and a teaspoon of vinegar. The mixture should be whipped and rubbed into the scalp., wrap in a towel, and through 15-20 m. wash away. Hair after such a procedure will become shiny, soft, thicker and will be easier to style.
Since ancient times honey was used to strengthen hair. After honey rinses, hair becomes healthier and shinier.
And one more an old Siberian recipe for "cedar milk" to strengthen hair. Grind a handful of peeled pine nuts with a wooden pusher in a mortar, and gradually adding water, bring the mixture to the consistency of a thick slurry. Transfer the gruel to a ceramic pot and keep in an oven heated to 150 ° C for half an hour. As a result, you will get "cedar milk", which will need to be rubbed in small portions into the scalp every day for two weeks. The procedure should be repeated after two months.. After such care, the hair becomes healthier., shiny, strong and thick.
How to strengthen hair: cosmetics
If you prefer to use ready-made cosmetics, then you should look at the preparations on a natural basis.
Cosmetics with extracts are usually used to strengthen hair. nettle, burdock, Chamomile, as well as burdock, castor oil and brewer's yeast. Strengthens hair with panthenol and pearl extract. The increase in the effectiveness of funds occurs, if hot peppers are added to them, arnica or menthol, which irritate the skin and thereby activate blood circulation.
Lamination is considered a popular way to strengthen hair today., as well as biolamination. The essence of these methods is to cover the hair shaft with a breathable nourishing membrane., which gives hair thickness and shine, It also helps protect color-treated hair from fading..
However, even systematically strengthening hair, it is impossible to achieve a sustainable and visible result, if not resolved the question of a balanced diet. Moreover, most diets lead to, that the condition of the hair is deteriorating, because, that the body does not receive the right amount of vitamins and minerals.
How to strengthen hair: nutrition
For strong and healthy hair, foods should be rich in vitamins A, E, C and B vitamins. Vitamin A, responsible for hair elasticity found in spinach, asparagus, as well as red fruits and vegetables. B vitamins are responsible for silky and shiny hair, there are a lot of them in cereals. The ability of vitamin C to protect hair from destruction is also valued.. Also good for hair. contain iron, contained in the liver, apples and egg yolk.
It is also important not to neglect some general recommendations, such as washing your hair in warm water, brushing dry hair, natural drying, protection from adverse environmental factors. By following these simple rules, you will be able to properly organize hair care, thereby, improving their condition. A, connecting to proper care procedures strengthening hair, you can achieve a brilliant result and conquer everyone with flawless hair.