How to deal with cellulite at home: procedures, to remove cellulite at home

According to the statistics, cellulite is present 85-95% Women. This cosmetic flaw does not pose any health hazard., but it looks very unaesthetic. Therefore, many women try to get rid of the "orange peel".
There are many effective remedies for cellulite., so every girl can quickly deal with this problem.
Proper nutrition for cellulite
So that folk remedies for cellulite bring maximum benefit, it is important to start eating right:
- Drink a spoonful of olive oil in the morning, what will help to fill the deficiency of vitamin E. The lack of this substance provokes the active growth of body fat.. You can also use olive oil in salad dressings..
- For breakfast, it is recommended to eat oatmeal or muesli.
- Drink green tea instead of coffee. Thanks to the use of cereals, you can provide the body with the necessary amount of fiber, and green tea will help remove toxins and toxins.
- At the same time, it is necessary to abandon sugary foods and fast food.. These unhealthy snacks can be replaced with fruits or dried fruits..
- It is very important to avoid alcohol, carbonated drinks and smoking. If you can't completely get rid of bad habits, should at least be kept to a minimum.
To deal with cellulite on your own, salty foods should be avoided, smoked and fatty foods. Instead, you need to eat stews or boiled dishes.. Fatty meat is better to replace with fish and chicken.
Be sure to eat a salad of fresh vegetables every day.
Cellulite exercises
You can fight the hated "orange peel" with the help of physical activity. To do this, you need to perform exercises to strengthen the gluteal muscles., hips and abs. Thanks to this, you can not only give the skin the necessary tone, but also to cope with extra pounds.
To strengthen the buttocks, you should do the following exercises:
- Get on your knees, put your hands on the floor and wave each leg in turn. In this case, you should remove the socks and strain the buttocks.. Run by 20-30 movements for each leg
- Lie down on the floor, bend your legs at the knees, place arms along the body. Tighten your buttocks and quickly lift your torso. Do 30-40 repetitions
- To get rid of orange peel on legs, should do special exercises. Do squats help with cellulite?? Sure, this question should be answered in the affirmative. First you need to do squats without weight in three sets. Each approach should include 25-30 time. Gradually, the load can be increased. Weighted squats should be done in two sets., each of which comes from 10 to 30 repetitions.
Anticellulite massage
This procedure is considered one of the most effective cellulite treatments.. To do cupping anti-cellulite massage yourself, buy vacuum jars.
The procedure is carried out every day or every other day. It's best to do it in the shower.. To do this, treat problem areas on the abdomen and legs with a special anti-cellulite oil., press the jar and apply it to the affected area. It should stick to the skin in this way, so that it can be easily moved.
After persistent redness of the skin on the legs and abdomen, the procedure should be stopped.. The duration of one session is usually about 3-7 minutes. After the massage, the skin should be treated with a special cream and wrapped in a towel for 15 minutes. The first results can be seen in just a week.
Contraindications include the following:
- the presence of pigmentation or birthmarks in the affected area
- skin inflammation
- the presence of malignant tumors
- blood pathology
- hypertension
- infectious pathologies
- thrombosis vessels
- active form of rheumatism, tuberculosis, lung abscess
- the presence of a pacemaker
- varicose veins in the affected area
Anti-cellulite masks and wraps
Any folk remedies for cellulite are aimed at warming up the skin. Due to this, excess fluid and fat comes out of it.. Usually, white clay is used to prepare effective compositions, essential oils, mustard, hot wax and other components.
To get rid of unpleasant fat deposits on the legs and abdomen, you can use the following recipes.
Wrap with red pepper against cellulite
K 5 g red pepper add the same amount of nutmeg and a few drops of cinnamon essential oil. Then put 100 g honey, cream and olive oil 1 tablespoon. Apply the resulting composition to problem areas and wrap with a film. After a quarter of an hour, rinse with warm water and apply cream. This procedure should be done 4-6 once a month.
Mud wrap for cellulite
The use of this cellulite wrap at home helps to provoke the work of fat cells. Thanks to this, it is possible to remove fats and toxins from the body.. For this, it is enough 15-20 minutes to apply sea mud to problem areas. This remedy can be purchased at any pharmacy..
Clay wrap for cellulite
This procedure helps to improve blood circulation and fight fatty deposits.. For this you need to take 500 g clay - black or red is suitable. Add water, to get the consistency of sour cream, and apply on the skin. Wrap with cling film on top. After half an hour, the product can be washed off and a cream applied.. Such procedures are performed every other day for a month..
Effective cellulite scrubs
Get rid of cellulite on legs fast, need to treat problem areas with scrubs. Thanks to this, it will be possible to warm up the skin and significantly improve the appearance..
Scrub with oatmeal for cellulite
It is necessary to grind oatmeal with a coffee grinder or blender and add milk to them to obtain a homogeneous consistency. During 1-2 minutes to massage the skin with the resulting composition. Rinse with water and lubricate the skin with a special cream.
Cellulite coffee scrub
To prepare the composition, you need to mix ground coffee with sour cream and add a little honey. Apply the mixture to the skin and leave for a few minutes.. Wash off with warm water.
Anti-cellulite baths
To get rid of orange peel on legs and stomach, you can take special baths.
Cellulite sea salt bath
By using this remedy, you can improve your health, improve blood microcirculation and improve the body. To carry out the procedure, it should be dissolved in warm water. 300 g sea salt. Take a bath at a quarter of an hour.
Cellulite bath with essential oils
Orange oils are suitable for this procedure., rosemary, sage. Literally a few drops of the product should be mixed with a glass of milk. Bath should be taken 20 minutes.
As you see, fighting cellulite on your own is not so difficult. To quickly cope with this problem, you need to eat right., do exercises and use cosmetics. Point, do it regularly and the results will not be long in coming.