Heartburn – Gastroesophageal reflux disease – Reflux
Heartburn—Overview (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease; Gastro-oesophageal Reflux Disease [GORD]; GERD; Reflux, Heartburn)
What is heartburn?
Heartburn – burning sensation in the lower chest. Heartburn can be caused by different conditions, but more often it is associated with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).
Treatment depends on the cause of heartburn. Most treatments include medication for heartburn, lifestyle change, or surgery.
Heartburn – causes
Heartburn is caused by the action of stomach acid, which falls into the esophagus from the stomach. Upon ingestion the opening between the esophagus and stomach (esophageal opening) opens, passing it to the stomach. Usually, as soon as the food enters the stomach, esophageal opening is closed. When heartburn esophageal opening does not close tightly and stomach acid flows into the esophagus (This phenomenon is called acid reflux), causing a burning sensation.
Risk factors for heartburn
Factors, that may increase the risk of heartburn include:
- Obesity;
- Smoking;
- Physical stress immediately after a meal;
- Lying in a bent position after eating;
- Pregnancy;
- Previous surgery for heartburn, such as vagotomy;
- Diabetes;
- Scleroderma;
- Several disorders of the nervous system;
- The recent use of a nasogastric tube.
Food and Drink, associated with the occurrence of heartburn include:
- Alcohol consumption, especially in large quantities;
- Consumption of caffeine-containing beverages, such as coffee or carbonated soft drinks;
- Citrus;
- Chocolate;
- Fried foods;
- Spicy food;
- Products, which include tomatoes – pizza, chili or spaghetti sauce.
Medications and Supplements, associated with the occurrence of heartburn include:
- Antixolinergiki;
- Calcium channel blockers;
- Theophylline, bronchial inhalers, and other asthma drugs;
- Nitrates;
- Sildenafil;
- Bifosfonatы.
Symptoms of heartburn
Heartburn Symptoms usually occur after overeating or stay in the supine position after a heavy meal. The symptoms may last for a few minutes or a few hours.
Common symptoms may include heartburn:
- Burning sensation, which begins on the bottom of the chest and moves up into the throat;
- Sense of output of food back into the esophagus;
- Sour or bitter taste in the throat.
Other symptoms and complications include reflux:
- Sore throat;
- Hoarseness;
- Chronic cough;
- The sensation of a lump in the throat;
- Asthma;
- Waking up with a feeling of suffocation;
- Difficulty swallowing.
If reflux persists, acid can cause damage to the esophagus. Symptoms of esophageal damage include:
- Bleeding and ulcers in the esophagus;
- Vomiting blood;
- Black or tarry stools;
- Inflammation and scarring of the esophagus;
- Barrett's esophagus – a precancerous condition, which may lead to esophageal cancer;
- Dental problems, which can arise due to the effects of gastric acid on tooth enamel.
Heartburn – when to see a doctor?
Many people experience heartburn from time to time. But, Heartburn occurs when you have at least twice a week, you need to make an appointment to see a doctor. Consult your doctor, If you have symptoms of heartburn complications.
Heartburn – when you need to immediately seek medical help?
Heartburn and chest pain due to heart attack can cause similar siptomy. It is necessary to immediately seek medical help, if you have:
- Squeezing or pressure in the chest;
- Pain in the left shoulder, left arm or jaw;
- Labored breathing;
- Sweating, lipkaya skin;
- Nausea;
- Weakness;
- Dizziness;
- Pain, which occurs during physical activity or stress.
If you are not sure of the cause of the chest pain, immediately call an ambulance.
Diagnosis Heartburn
The doctor will ask about your symptoms and medical history, and perform a physical examination. He can make a diagnosis based on symptoms. Also, your doctor may prescribe execution of X-rays of the esophagus or stomach. It can be selected and sent to a sample analysis of the esophagus. This is often done during an endoscopy.
Other assays for the detection of acid reflux may include:
- 24-hour pH monitoring (measuring the level of acidity);
- Manometrija, to test the strength of the muscles squeeze the lower part of the esophagus.
Heartburn Treatment
The method of treatment depends on the cause heartburn. Treatment may focus on prevention or treatment of heartburn damages the esophagus, caused her.
Lifestyle changes
To reduce the negative impact of heartburn:
- We need to keep a food diary of, what you eat and how this reaction occurs. Make gradual changes to your diet and record the results;
- Avoid foods , that cause heartburn symptoms;
- Eat small meals;
- Be at least 2-3 hour breaks between meals and being in the supine position, as well as physical exercise or heavy work;
- Try to lose weight;
- Try to quit smoking;
- Avoid belts and clothing, are increasing pressure on the stomach.
Drugs izzhogi
Medicines can relieve the symptoms of heartburn and cure the damage to the esophagus. Many medicines available over the counter heartburn. Your doctor may recommend the following treatments for heartburn:
- Proton pump inhibitors block the production of stomach acid;
- H-2 blockers are used reduce the amount of secreted gastric acid;
- Antacids neutralize stomach acid.
The operation to treat heartburn
If symptoms are severe heartburn, and you can not take the medication, need surgery.
The most common surgery for the treatment of heartburn is fundoplication – wrapping the stomach around the esophagus. This creates additional pressure on the muscles of the esophageal opening.
Endoscopic procedures for treating heartburn
The advantage of endoscopic techniques is the absence of cuts in the skin. Instead, the doctor inserts a device called an endoscope through the mouth and then, down the esophagus. The doctor can perform one of the procedures, leading to a reduction in emissions of stomach acid into the esophagus.
If surgery or endoscopy was successful, perhaps, no longer need to take medication for heartburn.
Heartburn Prevention
At the moment there is no methods to prevent heartburn.