Sciatica - treatment sorrows. Symptoms of the disease and preventing sciatica (neuralgia nerve sedalishtnogo, poyasnichno kryesttsovyi radiculitis))

Sciatica - treatment sorrows. Symptoms of the disease and preventing sciatica (neuralgia nerve sedalishtnogo, poyasnichno kryesttsovyi radiculitis))

Sciatica - is sciatica. Sciatica affects the roots of the lumbosacral spinal cord.

The sciatic nerve originates from the nerve roots of the lumbar spinal cord and lowers the branches of the lower limb, passing through the gluteal region.

sciatica – The cause of the

  • Herniated disk: hernial protrusion can compress nerve roots, out of which the sciatic nerve, which can lead to pain, other symptoms.
  • Infectious diseases (tuberculosis, flu, typhoid and typhus, scarlet fever, malaria, syphilis): there is a defeat of the sciatic nerve toxins, secreted by pathogens.
  • Intoxication diabetes, podagre, alcoholism, lead poisoning, Arsenic, mercury.
  • supercooling.
  • osteophytes (bony outgrowths) vertebrae as a result of osteoarthritis, degenerative diseases of the spine, spine osteoarthritis, spondileza.
  • Tumors of the spine (osteoma, osteoblastoklastoma, osteoblastoma, malignant osteoid osteoma, malignant osteoblastoklastoma, osteosarcoma, chondrosarcoma).
  • Metastasis of malignant tumors in the intervertebral discs, vertebrae.
  • Extramedullary tumors - develop from the tissues, that surround the spinal cord (neuromas, meningiomas).
  • Intramedullary tumors - develop from spinal cord (astrocytoma, ependimomı).
  • Spondylolisthesis - displacement of the vertebra located below the relatively.

sciatica – Symptoms

The main symptom of sciatica - pain. Sciatica pain when the nature of burning, shooting, acute, intensive, sharp, It reminds Stab. Pain located in the lower back, gluteal region, extending on Femur the popliteal fossa or below - on the rear surface of the tibia. The pain sciatica is chronic and may be concerned in the form of attacks or permanently, depending on the cause of the disease. It may also be accompanied by a breach of the lower leg skin sensitivity (except inner surface), feet.

Pain may occur in the leg, sometimes reaching fingertips. Pain in the lumbar region can occur in parallel or absent.

The intensity of pain can be different. In some cases, it is not intensive and does not bring the suffering expressed, in others - so strong, that any movement causes pain, the patient can not stand. In most cases, it is one-sided.

Because of the pain the patient tries to take a position, wherein the reduced severity of pain, assuming a forced posture. Most often it is leaning forward and to the side.

Reduced range of motion the femur and tibia, which manifests itself hindered by bending at the knee, ankle joints, as well as the joints of the foot.

The skin in the affected area can turn to a pale or red, thinner, acquiring a kind of tissue paper. Characterized by severe dryness of the skin, increased fragility of toenails, disruption of the sweat glands.

sciatica – Diagnostics

  • Radiography;
  • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRT);
  • CT scan (CT);
  • electroneuromyography.

sciatica – Types of disease

Depending on the affected part of the nerve distinguishes:

  • top sciatica (funiculitis);
  • average sciatica (plexitis);
  • lower sciatica (trunkulit).

sciatica – Actions of the patient

At the first sign of sciatica should consult a doctor. recommended rest, limited mobility. The bed should be flat. Optimal posture to reduce strain of the sciatic nerve - legs bent at the hip and knee joints, slightly raised.

sciatica – Treatment

Medical therapy includes non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents (Ibuprofen, Indomethacin, diclofenac sodium, nimesulide). Used as epidural steroid injections (prostoglandinov). In this administration, the drug acts directly at the site of injury counterfoil.

After calming down the pathological process shown massage, Physiotherapy, acupuncture, physiotherapy, herbal medicine and other techniques (apitherapy, girudoterapija, mud treatment, sanatorium treatment).

In cases, when conservative methods fail to eliminate the pain, surgical treatment. Choosing the type of surgery depends on the cause of sciatica.

sciatica – Complications

When wither may neglect disease nerve endings, which leads to a violation of the feet skin sensitivity.

sciatica – Prevention

  • Sufficient exercise;
  • Observance of occupational health;
  • comfortable bed;Proper lifting weights due to stress muscles in the arms and legs, but not the waist.

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