
When ATH:


Iodine-containing contrast diagnostic tool. It is used in the form of solutions with different contents Iopromide, accordingly 240, 300 or 370 мг I/мл.

Pharmacological action.


CT scan (CT), angiography (incl. Digital subtraction angiography), urography, venography, research body cavities (arthrography, retrograde cholangiopancreatography, hysterosalpingography, galaktografiya); when the subarachnoid administration (for Iopromide-240) — миелография, CT myelography.


Hypersensitivity, expressed hyperthyroidism; acute inflammatory processes in the pelvic area and Pregnancy (for hysterosalpingography).

Restrictions apply.

Epilepsy (for subarachnoid administration), pregnancy.

Pregnancy and breast-feeding.

If pregnancy should carefully evaluate the potential risk, associated with radiographic study.

Side effects.

Nausea, vomiting, hyperemia, sensation of heat and pain (during intravascular); anaphylactic reactions, incl. shock (similar to vascular collapse).


Simultaneous use of neuroleptics and antidepressants lowers the seizure threshold and increase the risk of adverse reactions.

Dosing and Administration.

B /, в/a, suʙaraxnoidalьno, intracisternally. Angiography. The dosage depends on the age and weight of the patient, cardiac output, diagnostic problem, type of technical equipment, and the type and volume of the vascular region investigated.

Digital subtraction angiography. For high-contrast images of large vessels, pulmonary arteries, and arteries of the neck, heads, почек и конечностей используют йопромид−300 или йопромид−370 в объеме 30–60 мл.

CT. To perform a head CT recommend the following doses for adults: йопромид−240 — 1,5 ml / kg (maximally 2,5 ml / kg), йопромид−300 — 1 ml / kg (maximally 2 ml / kg), йопромид−370 — 1 ml / kg (maximally 1,5 ml / kg).


Caution should be used when circulatory failure events decompensation, severely impaired liver and kidney function, Emphysema, atherosclerosis cerebrovascular, decompensated diabetes, increased blood clotting, uzlovatom teeth, Myeloma, general grave condition.

In patients with diabetic nephropathy, taking biguanides, may develop lactic acidosis (с целью предупреждения данного осложнения прием бигуанидов следут прекратить за 48 ч до проведения рентгеноконтрастного исследования и возобновить их прием после того, as a control study shows the lack of renal dysfunction). Hypersensitivity reactions can be more pronounced in patients, receiving beta-blockers. Delayed reaction (incl. fever, rash, flu-like symptoms, joint pain, itching) predominate in patients, administered with Interleukin.

Patients with pheochromocytoma, taking into account the risk of vascular collapse, we recommend pre-treatment with alpha-blockers, пациентам с повышенным риском возникновения аллергических реакций — предварительная терапия глюкокортикоидами и/или антигистаминными препаратами.

Before the introduction of a contrast agent to avoid dehydration.

During the introduction of the necessary conditions for immediate intensive care.


It is necessary to take into account, the drug distorts the results of radioisotope studies for thyroid 2 Sun.

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