Intussusception in children – treatment of disease. Symptoms and prevention of the disease in children intussusception

Intussusception in children – What is this disease? Invaginacija is a pathological condition, where one part of the bowel is introduced into the lumen of the other.

Mostly seen in children intussusception in the first year of life. In adults, this condition occurs much less often.

Intussusception in children – The cause of the

The cause of intussusception following:

  • the existence of obstacles to passage of faeces in the gut (eg, polyps (single or multiple) or other tumors);
  • eating excessive amounts of gross dietary fiber, a drastic change in the nature and diet (in particular, in children under 1 year invaginacija often develops due to delays and/or improper introduction of complementary foods);
  • abdominal injuries, bowel injuries;
  • parasitic (helminthic) infestations (in particular, askaridoz);
  • poisoning of poisons, damaging a nervous intestinal apparatus, with further invaginaciej not affected part of the colon.

Symptoms of intussusception in children

When intussusception noted strong pristupoobraznaya stomach pain: heart attack pain lasts about 3-5 minutes, then disappears on the 5-10 minutes, and after again resumes. The special character of the pain is caused by waves of Peristaltic reduction, during which portion of the colon vnedrivshajasja colon moving ahead.

Also with intussusception in a few hours after onset of pain there is delay of departure and gases.

For intussusception is also characterized by: abdominal distention, stool mixed with blood ("raspberry jelly»), the tension of the abdominal wall, fever, vomiting, not bringing relief. The patient in the stomach unable to probe characteristic oblong education (invaginat).

Intussusception in children – Diagnostics

Diagnosis of this condition involves the analysis of the complaints of the patient, history of life and its family history, leadthrough of examination (be sure to include digital rectal examination, palpation of the abdomen), laboratory, as well as the instrumental studies (Ultrasound and radiography of abdominal cavity organs).

Intussusception in children – Classification

Identify the following types of intussusception:

  • tonkokishechnaja (implementation of one part of the small intestine to another);
  • thinly-colonic (invaginacija plot of the small intestine in the lumen of the colon, eg, Ilio-obodocnaya);
  • colonic (invaginacija one colon in a different).

Intussusception in children – Actions of the patient

In the case of a child has a characteristic clinical picture (Special pristupoobraznaya stomach pain, Chair type of raspberry jelly», vomiting, not bringing relief) urgently need to seek medical help, to avoid serious complications.

Treatment of intussusception in children

Intussusception treatment should begin immediately. Invaginaciju children can eliminate the conservative (without surgery) or surgically. Conservative unfolding is done when enrolling a child in a hospital within the first 12 hours after the occurrence of pain. In the course of diagnostic x-ray in the intestines is pumped into the air. This increases the pressure and it leads to a stage of intussusception.

More adult patients and after 12 hours after the onset of pain invaginacija is eliminated only by surgery. Runs laparotomy (incision of the abdominal wall to gain access to the abdominal cavity organs) and dezinvaginacija (Manual unfolding plots bowel). In case of detection of nekrotizirovannogo (omertvevshego) the plot of the colon, you are deleting.

A prerequisite for successful treatment of patients with invaginaciej and prevent its recurrence is the Elimination of diseases, as a result of which this condition (eg, When it detects a polyp in the gut, his removal).

Intussusception in children – Complications

Complications include intestinal invaginacionnuju intussusception occlusion, perforations (breakthrough) bowel, peritonitis (inflammation of the peritoneum), intoxicating (in this case the body poisoning occurs as a result of the stagnation of the contents of the bowel and blood of toxic substances). As complications can be a relapse of intussusception.

Prevention of intussusception in children

Preventive measures, to prevent the development of intussusception, include qualitative, regular and complete nutrition, inclusion in the diet products, rich in fiber (fruit, vegetables, croup), the exception of fried, smoked, too hot dishes.

Besides, an important preventive measure is early detection and treatment of diseases of the digestive tract, that can lead to intussusception (eg, bowel tumors, polyps, divertikuleza).

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