
When ATH:


The product of dry distillation of oil shales. Contains 10,5% organically bound sulfur (the most active substance is Thiophene). Almost black, a thin layer of brown, syrupy liquid with a pungent odor and taste. Solubility in water, glycerin, partly in alcohol and ether.

Pharmacological action.
Mestnoanesteziruyuschee, mestnorazdrazhayuschee, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, improving blood circulation in the skin.


Burns, erysipelas, eczema and other skin conditions, neuralgia, arthritis; prostatitis, metritis, parameterisation, salpingitis and other inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs.



Side effects.

Allergic reactions.


Incompatible in solutions of iodide salts, alkaloidami, salts of heavy metals.

Dosing and Administration.

Locally, rectally. In diseases of the skin, neuralgia, arthritis, etc.. is applied to the affected area in the form of lotions glycerol, vtiraniy (10–30%), petrolatum ointment (10–20%). In inflammatory diseases small pelvis — suppositories (with ichtiolom- 0,2 g) or tampons (from 10% glycerine solution) 1-2 Times a day; introduced after sweeping enema or spontaneous bowel cleansing.

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