
When ATH:


Available in the form 10% sterile pyrogen-free transparent, pale yellow (to amber) Color solution (0,9% sodium chloride) for infusion (pH approx. 5,0).

Pharmacological action.


Gipovolemiя, hypovolemic shock (prophylaxis and therapy): burns, injuries, operations, septic conditions and others.; hemodilution (including isovolemic); improving the collection of leukocyte estate by centrifugation (as an adjunct in the leukapheresis).


Hypersensitivity, severe hemorrhagic diathesis and other violations, accompanied by bleeding, incl. when coagulopathy, gipervolemia, hyperhydration or dehydration, severe congestive heart failure, pronounced renal dysfunction with oligo- and anuriei (not related to hypovolemia), pregnancy, lactation, childhood (to 10 years).

Side effects.

Allergic and anaphylactoid reactions, including urticaria, bronchospasm with breathing difficulties, pulmonary edema, heart failure, increase in serum amylase; на фоне больших доз — коагулопатии (transient prolongation of clotting time, prothrombin and partial thrombin time), при гемодилюции — снижение (during 24 no) Serum levels of total protein, Albumin, Calcium and fibrinogen, при лейкаферезе — головная боль и головокружение, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, temporary increase of body weight, anxiety, insomnia, feeling tired, weakness, malaise, fever, chills, tremor, swelling, paresthesia, acne, chest pain, increased heart, a decrease in platelet count and hemoglobin level.

Dosing and Administration.

Parenteral: / drip, slowly; введение первых 10–20 мл осуществляют под контролем состояния больного.

При гиповолемии — 250–500–1000 мл в сутки (to 20 мл/кг в сутки).

При гемодилюции — по 500 мл в сутки в течение нескольких последующих дней; общая доза — не более 5 l; if necessary, this dose is exceeded (in exceptional cases) it is distributed up to 4 Sun. Dosage regimen, the duration and rate of infusion set individually according to the severity of blood loss and hypovolemia, parameters hematocrit. Рекомендуемая продолжительность инфузии — не менее 30 мин на 500 ml (in the absence of urgent indications).

При лейкаферезе — 250–700 мл, thoroughly mixed with sodium citrate (to stabilize the anticoagulant effect) introduced (accordance with the normal rules of aseptic) in the centrifugal machine, adding to the whole venous blood in a ratio 1:8–1:13.


To use caution in pulmonary edema and congestive heart failure (due to fluid overload circulatory bloodstream), при измененном почечном Cl (tk. основной путь экскреции — почечный), a history of liver disease (при многократных инфузиях уровень непрямого билирубина в сыворотке крови нормализует через 96 ч после окончания последнего вливания). Необходимо учитывать возможное снижение сывороточных значений общего белка, Albumin, Calcium, Platelet, fibrinogen, Hemoglobin, increase the level of amylase (затрудняет диагностику панкреатита), пролонгацию времени кровотечения. До и в период лечения рекомендуется часто и регулярно контролировать содержание лейкоцитов, Platelet, Hemoglobin, gematokrita, creatinine, figures prothrombin and partial thromboplastin time. When the temperature, chills, etc.. complications during the procedure leukapheresis or instability detection solution infusion immediately suspend. You can not enter the solution to change color, or the formation of a crystalline precipitate.

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