Chronic gastritis
It is characterized by long-existing diffuse (razlitыmi) or focal inflammatory changes of the gastric mucosa with the gradual development of atrophy (loss) gastric glands.
Causes of chronic gastritis
Prolonged exposure to the mucous membrane of the stomach irritants, lead to inflammatory changes. These factors include: violation of the nature and diet; rough reception, irritating foods, spices; predisposition to diseases of the stomach and duodenum (family history, or genetic factors); инфицирование микроорганизмом Helicobacter pylori (infectious factor). This microorganism contributes to the emergence and development of diseases of the stomach and duodenum, aggravates their course, It leads to chronic diseases, development of complications. Particular attention gastroenterologists microorganism attracted since its opening in 1983 year.
Helicobacter pylori is a bacterium small crimped, found only in the human stomach. The pathogenicity of this organism is ensured by many factors: special spiral form bacteria; having multiple flagella, allowing it to move freely and quickly; the ability to form over the surface of their cells a kind of "cloud" alkaline pH environment, allowing bacteria to refrain from destructive acidic environment of the stomach and keep the pathogenic effect on the mucous membrane of the stomach and duodenum, cause and aggravate the symptoms of inflammation, lead to the development of complications such as the formation of erosions, ulcers.
In chronic gastritis violated acid-forming function of the stomach, powerboat (motor) function. They can be raised, reduced or normal.
Clinical manifestations of chronic gastritis
For exacerbation of chronic gastritis characterized by pain and dyspeptic syndromes. Pain syndrome prevails over diarrhea and is a leading. Abdominal pain Moderate, appears or worsens after eating, after administration of acute, roughage. Localization of pain - preferably in the upper abdomen. The duration of pain attacks - from 30 minutes to 1-2 hours. Less celebrated hungry intense pain (pain on an empty stomach, before meals). As the disease progresses abdominal pain acquires a more permanent character, accompanied by a feeling of heaviness, discomfort in the upper abdomen. Painful syndrome is accompanied by diarrhea: may experience nausea, vomiting food eaten, belching rotten, air, sour, decreased appetite. Often there are signs of chronic intoxication - weakness, slackness, fatigue, headache.
Diagnosis of chronic gastritis
The diagnosis of chronic gastritis is set based on endoscopy (fibrogastroduodenoscopy). To elucidate the etiology of gastritis necessary testing for Helicobacter pylori to determine the characteristics of acid-forming function of the stomach is carried out intragastric pH meter.
Treatment of chronic gastritis
Diet therapy for gastritis based on the principle of chemical, mechanical and thermal schazheniya stomach and duodenum. Used medical table number 1,1a, 16. The food is assigned a fractional - 5-6 times a day (during the exacerbation). The diet consists of white slightly dried bread, biscuit, vegetarian soups from the wiped groats and vegetables, pasta, milk, cream, fresh cheese, prostokvasha and cream (nekislaâ), butter, scrambled eggs, boiled beef or chicken, vegetable puree or boiled vegetables (with the exception of sorrel and spinach), sour ripe fruit and berries, jelly, pickled, compotes.
Combined therapy gastroenterologist appointed after full examination and includes preparations: vozdeystvuyushtie of kislotoobrazuyushtuyu, gastric motility; having overlying and adsorbent properties (Almagelum, Aluminium phosphate gel, maaloks); plant-based anti-; antispasmodics; sedatives. The final stage of treatment for gastritis - herbal medicine and sanatorium treatment in sanatoriums corresponding profile.