Cholecystitis – sharp, chronic, Chronic acalculous – symptoms, treatment, prevention
Acute cholecystitis
There is in contact with the stone in the cystic duct, which leads to stagnation, infection of the bile, swelling of the gallbladder wall.
Clinical signs of acute cholecystitis
Increased body temperature and intense prolonged, growing over time pain in the right upper quadrant, abdominal distention, nausea, generalized weakness.
Diagnosis of acute cholecystitis
Ultrasound of the gastrointestinal tract (GI), clinical data, results of the general examination and examination of the patient.
Treatment of acute cholecystitis
Treatment is carried out in a surgical hospital under the supervision of the surgeon, gastroenterologist.
Chronic cholecystitis
Chronic calculous cholecystitis is characterized by recurrent (recurrent) attacks of biliary colic, rarely - persistent pain in the right hypochondrium. Biliary colic can occur suddenly, sometimes after a meal, combined with nausea, vomiting, temperature increase. The pain may increase with movement. Provokes pain eating disorders - a fatty meal, spices, smoked, as well as a sharp physical stress. The intensity of the pain varied: from severe to mild cramping nagging. Duration painless intervals - from several weeks to several months.
Diagnosis of chronic cholecystitis
Ultrasound of the digestive tract, X-ray region 1 gallbladder to determine the K-contrast stones.
Treatment of chronic cholecystitis
Treatment includes: fractional-calorie meals, therapy, aimed at the removal of the inflammatory process in the gall bladder, antispasmodics, monitoring surgeon, gastroenterologist.
Chronic cholecystitis beskamennыy
Opportunistic microbial flora (streptokokk, staphylococcus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, enterococcus). Infectious agents penetrate into the gallbladder hematogenous (through blood) or lymphogenous (through the lymphatic system) by. Infection from the blood can get into the gallbladder and common bile cystic duct. The development of inflammation in the gallbladder promotes stagnation of bile in it (biliary dyskinesia), change its physico-chemical properties.
Clinical signs of chronic cholecystitis acalculous
Pain in the right upper quadrant aching lasting from several hours to several days. Characterized by the emergence or worsening of pain after ingestion of fatty, acute, fried foods, carbonated drinks.
Diagnosis of chronic cholecystitis acalculous
Typical clinical signs, the result you ultrasonography. The clinical analysis of blood leukocytosis, increased erythrocyte sedimentation rate.
Treatment of chronic cholecystitis acalculous
Appropriate diet with the exception of fatty fried foods. The food is steamed, served in the form of heat. For the relief of pain used antispasmodics, to relieve inflammation prescribe antibiotic therapy. In a subsequent therapy use Cholagogue, enzymes.
Prevention of chronic cholecystitis acalculous
Obschegigienicheskih events, exercise stress, invalid food, elimination of bad habits.