
When ATH:


Colorless, transparent, moving, volatile liquid with a smell of chloroform, sweet and pungent taste. Density - 1,865-1,870. Boiling point - 49-51 ° C. Few soluble in water, well in anhydrous alcohol, ether, xloroforme, trichlorethylene, oils. The distribution coefficient of oil / water 330. Do not burn or ignite (pairs in a mixture with oxygen and nitrous oxide explosion-).

Pharmacological action.
Inhalation anesthetic, analgesic, miorelaksiruyuschee.


General anesthesia: induction and maintenance of anesthesia in surgery (incl. with chronic airway diseases), including caesarean section.


Hypersensitivity, acute liver injury, jaundice, malignant hyperthermia, pheochromocytoma, arrhythmia, myasthenia, traumatic brain injury, intracranial hypertension; the need for topical administration of epinephrine during surgery; gynecological surgery, in which the relaxation of the uterus is contraindicated; I trimester of pregnancy; 3-month period after halothane anesthesia.

Side effects.

Arrhythmia, bradycardia, hypotension, respiratory depression, headache, Tremor after awakening, postanesthesia shivering, nausea, jaundice, hepatitis (repeated administration), zlokachestvennыy hypertermycheskyy crisis, postanesthesia delirium.


It enhances the effect of muscle relaxants antidepolyarizuyuschih, antihypertensive agents, digitalis preparations and m-holinomimetikov. Weakens tachycardia, caused trimetafanom. It increases the risk of liver disease on the background of phenytoin. Aminoglikozidy, lincomycin and polymyxin deepen neuromuscular blockade (can cause sleep apnea). Ketamine increases T1/2, metildofa, nitrous oxide, morphine and phenothiazines - effect of anesthesia. The likelihood of developing malignant hyperthermia increases suxamethonium, arrhythmia - xanthine.


Symptoms: vыrazhennaya bradycardia, arrhythmia, gipotenziya, hypertermycheskyy crisis, respiratory depression.

Treatment: Ventilation with pure oxygen.

Dosing and Administration.

Maintaining surgical anesthesia stage - in a concentration of 0.5-2%; the introduction of anesthesia concentration gradually increased to 4%. The required concentration in the blood - 25%; Minimal anesthetic concentration - 15% for adults; 1,08%, 0,92%, 0,64% respectively, for infants, Children up to 10 years and older patients 70 years.


It will be appreciated, that the administration of epinephrine and other. sympathomimetics increases the risk of arrhythmias. You must undo levodopa, 6-8 hours before anesthesia. Patients with chronic alcoholism for anesthesia requires large doses.


Do not store in halothane vaporizers. Before the new use of the evaporator carefully cleaned from the remnants of halothane and its degradation products.

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