Persicaria maculosa – Polygonum persicaria L.

Annual herb up to 40-60 cm, families grechishnыh (Polygonaceae). The plant is widespread throughout, including the Far East, Siberia, Central Asia and the Caucasus. Medical raw materials It is the aboveground part of the plant.

Горец почечуйный - Polygonum persicaria L.

Persicaria maculosa – Chemical composition

The grass mountaineer pochechuynogo contains tannins, consisting of tannin and other compounds, sugar, vitamins (vitamin C, rutin), organic acid (acetic, gallic, Oil), mucus, essential oil, flobafeny and flavonoids (giperozid, kvertsitrin and avikulyarin).

Persicaria maculosa – Pharmacological properties

Experimental studies have shown, that decoctions and infusions Highlander pochechuynogo have strong hemostatic properties, manifested in the increased viscosity and clotting, as well as significantly increase the contractility of smooth muscle organs, mainly the uterus and the intestine of animals. Besides, Plants have a laxative preparations, slight diuretic and anti-inflammatory effect, have vasodilating properties.

Persicaria maculosa – Use in medicine

Highlander pochechuynogo herbal medicines prescribed for various gynecological diseases, associated with inflammation and accompanied by uterine bleeding (metroparalysis, heavy menstruation). Hemostatic and anti-inflammatory properties of the plant are used in hemorrhoidal bleedings. The therapeutic effect of drugs Highlander pochechuynogo hemorrhoids also due to plant laxative properties and ability to increase intestinal motility.

Drugs mountaineer pochechuynogo used in the treatment of patients with atonic constipation.

Persicaria maculosa – Formulations, Dosing and Administration

Infusion herb Polygonum pochechuynogo: 20 g (2 tablespoons) raw material is placed in an enamel bowl, Pour 200 ml (1 glass) hot boiled water, capped and heated in boiling water (in a water bath) with frequent stirring 15 m, cooled at room temperature for 45 m, filter, the remaining raw materials squeeze. The volume of the resulting infusion was adjusted with boiled water to 200 ml. The prepared infusion stored in a cool place no more than 2 d.

Take in the form of heat 1 tablespoon 3 times a day before meals for chronic atonic constipation, hemorrhoids and uterine bleeding.

The raw material stored in a dry, cool messte.

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