Ginkgo Biloba (When ATH N06DX02)

When ATH:

Standardized extract from the leaves of Ginkgo biloba plant (Ginkgo biloba). It contains flavonoglikozidy, terpenolaktony (ginkgolides and bilobalide) and others extractives.

Pharmacological action.
Nootropic , enhances mental performance, improving brain blood circulation, antihypoxia, improves microcirculation, antiagregatine, reducing capillary permeability, venotonic, improves peripheral circulation.

Encephalopathy (the effects of stroke, traumatic brain injury, senium), manifested disorders of attention and / or memory, decline of mental abilities, anxiously, fear, sleep disorders; dementia, incl. Alzheimer; to improve memory and attention in young adults; neurosensory impairment (dizziness, noise in ears, gipoakuziя), senile macular degeneration, diabeticheskaya retinopathy; asthenic conditions: psychogenic, neurotic, caused by traumatic brain injury; disorders of the peripheral circulation and microcirculation, incl. arteriopathy of the lower limbs, Raynaud's syndrome.

Pregnancy and breast-feeding.
Not recommended (not enough clinical experience).
Side effects.
Diarrhoeal disorders, headache, dizziness, allergic reactions.
Dosing and Administration.

Inside, while eating. Dementia: 40-80 Mg 3 once a day (120-240 Mg / day). Asthenic disorders: 240 mg / day. In other cases: 40 mg 3 times a day, or 80 mg 2 once a day. The course of treatment - at least 8 weeks (average 3 Months).

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