Fetal Hydrocephalus-disease treatment. Symptoms and prevention of fetal hydrocephalus

Fetal Hydrocephalus is a pathology of the brain, which is characterized by an excessive accumulation of CSF (cerebrospinal fluid) in the ventricular system of the brain as a result of a breach of its absorption (arezorbtivnaja hydrocephalus) or make the outflow from place to place secretion suction in the circulatory system (occlusal hydrocephalus).
Hydrocephalus of fetus-causes
The emergence of Hydrocephalus in infants in most cases is caused by infection of the mother during pregnancy infection (often Cytomegalovirus infection), for sever ventricular (Ventricular) Fetal brain system. As a result, is hampered by the circulation of cerebrospinal fluid and/or is excessive secretion. In addition to the congenital form, may occur and acquired Hydrocephalus after neuroinfections (meningoencephalitis, meningitis), intoxication, head injuries, etc.. Violation of cerebral circulation fluid leads to increased intracranial pressure (gipertenzionno-gidrocefalnyj syndrome).
Symptoms of Hydrocephalus of fetus
The most characteristic symptom of Hydrocephalus in children, increasing head circumference, that leads to Visual gidrocefalnoj skull form easily determinable. Sign of illness in newborns can serve as a tense fontanel, offset eyeballs inferiorly, frequent zaprokidyvanie heads. At the junction of the skull bones may be rounded pulsating rounded protrusion. Often have strabismus, nistagmo. Highlights headache, hearing and visual impairment, nausea.
Symptoms of Hydrocephalus in children:
- increasing head circumference;
- an unusually large head;
- convex large fontanel;
- insomnia;
- anacatharsis;
- irritability;
- offset eyeballs inferiorly (rolling eyes);
- convulsions;
- delay in development.
Symptoms of Hydrocephalus in adults and older children:
- nausea;
- Headache followed by vomiting;
- offset eyeballs inferiorly;
- incoordination, gait and balance, clumsiness, weakness;
- regression of development or slow development;
- memory loss;
- double vision, rasfokusirovannost view;
- urinary incontinence;
- confusion, irritability, personality changes.
Hydrocephalus of fetus-Diagnostics
The disease may diagnose in fetuses in prenatal ultrasound. As an infant is diagnosed with regular measurement of the size of the head.
Inspection of adult or child, who is showing signs of Hydrocephalus, begins with a thorough survey and neurological examination. The most accurate methods of diagnosis are tomography and magnetic resonance imaging.
Hydrocephalus of fetus-classification
- acquired hydrocephalus;
- congenital hydrocephalus;
- communicating (Open) Hydrocephalus;
- occlusal (closed) Hydrocephalus;
- hydrocephalus ex vacuo (external hydrocephalus, that occurs as a result of atrophy of the brain);
- normotensive hydrocephalus (Hydrocephalus normal pressure).
Fetal Hydrocephalus Patient actions
If signs of hydrocephalus appear, it is necessary to consult a neurologist as soon as possible and conduct an examination..
Treatment of Hydrocephalus of fetus
In the early stages of the disease used drug therapy. In cases, When the hydrocephalus progresses quickly, necessary surgical treatment. Until recently, the only method of surgical treatment was derivation peritonealnoe bypass. The special tubes with valves fluid from the brain removed in abdominal cavity, supporting optimal intracranial pressure and not letting the liquor flowing in the opposite direction. The downside of this method is too small diameter shunt, that can easily soars or clog, as well as its fragility.
Now apply the new method handling Hydrocephalus-nejrojendoskopicheskij. This method is low traumatic and more reliable. The essence of this operation is to create an outflow of CSF through the bottom of the third ventricle in the tank vnemozgovye likvornoj system. To do this, create a hole with a special catheter. As a result of operation liquor can freely flow from the brain. This method does not require repeated operations.
Hydrocephalus of fetus-Complications
The severity of Hydrocephalus depends largely on the age of the patient. When congenital form probably the existence of serious brain damage, with physical disabilities.
Prevention of Hydrocephalus of fetus
Prevention of Hydrocephalus is the prevention of infectious diseases, caution when taking any medications during pregnancy, as well as the prevention of neuroinfections in childhood.
Screening ultrasound examination of newborn children and pregnant women.