Hydronephrosis – what is this, symptoms, diagnostics, treatment and prevention of hydronephrosis disease

Hydronephrosis – What is this disease? Hydronephrosis is a disease, characterized by a pathological expansion of collective renal cavities, that leads to disruption of the functions of the kidneys.

Hydronephrosis: the cause of the

Causes of hydronephrosis may be:

  • the presence of an extension of the receptacle, coming from the aorta to the lower part of the kidney. This crossing vessel with the ureters. Due to the constant pressure on him comes the narrowing of the ureters;
  • congenital narrowing of the ureters;
  • high discharge of ureter, When the ureter departs from the pelvis is not in a typical location;
  • hypertrophy of the walls of the ureter;
  • abnormalities of the kidney and urinary tract.

Hydronephrosis: symptoms

The main symptoms of hydronephrosis are lower back pain, on rump and abdomen. It is also possible to hematuria (blood in the urine). When feeling noted tight education in abdominal cavity. The patient may disturb high body temperature, headache, chills and weakness. If hydronephrosis is distributed on both sides of the, There are symptoms of kidney failure: reduces the amount of separated urine, swelling occurs and increases blood pressure.

Hydronephrosis: diagnostics

Diagnosis of hydronephrosis include:

  • analysing the history of the disease and the patient's complaint. The doctor asked, How long has the patient had appeared back pain, and also became a celebrated blood in urine, and whether such complaints previously. Also the doctor asked the patient, does he have no temperature rise, weakness and chills;
  • conducting life history. Physician information, whether in a patient previously inflammatory diseases of the kidneys and prostate cancer; whether the operation of the genitourinary system;
  • analysing the blood. When gidronefroze declining concentration of erythrocytes, Hemoglobin, as well as an increase in the number of leukocytes (WBCs);
  • urinalysis shows decrease its density, as well as the presence of a large (pathological for urine) the number of erythrocytes and leukocytes;
  • ultrasonography is held to determine the extent of the expansion of renal cavities;
  • excretory urography-introduction of contrast agent, excreted through the kidneys. When the patient makes a series of x-ray pictures and determine, If the outflow of urine. Delay of contrast material in one or another field indicates obstruction of this site;
  • computer tomography and magnetic resonance imaging is carried out to study the structure of kidneys, bladder and ureters;
  • nefroscintigrafija-introduction to the blood of radioactive substances, that very quickly break up. Using a special camera carry out visualization of accumulation and allocation of this substance in the kidneys.

Hydronephrosis: types of disease

Hydronephrosis develops in three stages. In the first stage only kidney lohanki extension notes. At the second stage of hydronephrosis expanded not only pelvises. But a cup of kidney. At this stage, noted damage and atrophy of kidney tissue.

The third final stage is characterized by the complete atrophy of kidney hydronephrosis. At this stage, a kidney malfunction, its bark strongly tapers. As a matter of fact, Bud develops just in the bag with thin walls.

Hydronephrosis: patient actions

When you see suspicious symptoms should immediately contact a physician-urologist.

Hydronephrosis: treatment

Because the cause of hydronephrosis lies in mechanical blockage of the outflow of urine, the cure of the patient can be just using surgical methods. Conservative therapy is used as an adjunct to eliminate inflammation and infection. It provides for the reception of anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antihypertensive drugs, as well as patients special diets with restricted consumption of salt and copious drink.

Surgical treatment of hydronephrosis provides installation in kidney stent or nefrostomy.

Hydronephrosis: complications

Hydronephrosis can cause such complications, as atrophy of kidney, renal failure, kidney infection, hypertension, as well as the emergence of impurity of blood in the urine, followed by the development of anemia.

Hydronephrosis: prevention

Specific prevention methods if gidronefroze does not exist. Timely treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system and regular inspection (2 per year) doctor-urologist helps reduce the likelihood of this disease.

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